I was wondering what everyone thought was the best secured card out there. I would like one that possibly gives extra money with your deposit. I know I have heard of some that give 33% and one that gives 50% but I can not remember the name of who has them so if anyone can help I would appreciate it very much. I am also looking for one that will let you deposit money at anytime and will let you have a large limit like around 5 or 6 thousand. Thank you Casper72
I'm pretty sure all of the secured card issuers that would give you an initial credit limit that's more than your deposit are either kaput or are in the process of becoming kaput (a la FCNB). If you search on this board, you'll probably find that Capital One is the all-around best secured card in terms of future growth potential and customer service, but it won't give you the kind of limit you're looking for. Try looking at Umbrella Bank's, Associates', Bofa's, Wells Fargo's, and American Pacific Bank's secured cards. They all allow additional deposits for increased credit limits. wajaba
look at amalgamated bank also. they have a great secured card. initial deposit is minimum $500.00 but it doesn't reflect a "subprime" status.
If there is no bk in the past and the issues are not current, then Bank of America and Chase offer reasonable cards. Of course, my favorite card to build from subprime to prime is Capital One. They'll be conservative in the beginning, but after a year and then 2 years you can go very prime with them.