Would you agree that the best way to sue Equifax, if all you want is deletion, is through Small Claims Court? I have read that, when you sue in State or Federal court, they tend to not want to settle because it then becomes a matter for their attorneys. But, since Small Claims doesn't involve attorneys and would actually require them to fly in a representative, I would think they would be much more eager to delete to avoid the hassle. Do you agree?
Equifax like to play hardball. I sued them in Small Claims Court in Tucson AZ and they actually flew someone out from Atlanta to defend against the suit. I must have cost them more for him and his expenses than I was suing for.
Re: Re: Best way to sue Equifax A few quick questions. 1) Did they lock you out of your credit report after they were served? 2) Did you once again receive access to it after the suit was over? 3) What did you sue them for? 4) Who won? 5) Would you do it over again?
Re: Re: Best way to sue Equifax this deserves abump. I too am interested in what Equifax or CSC will do in small claims cout. thanks, piggycat
Re: Re: Best way to sue Equifax this deserves abump. I too am interested in what Equifax or CSC will do in small claims cout. thanks, piggycat
Re: Re: Re: Best way to sue Equifax 1. yes 2.about 3 months later - I had to threaten to sue the again. 3. Failure to consider consumer provided documentation and fraud in "the investigation" 4. We split the difference 5. In a heartbeat.
Re: Re: Re: Best way to sue Equifax I am now wondering if I should file in Federal court. They seem to settle 9 out of 10 times in Federal court. I figured small claims would be a lot easier though. I heard that enclosing a settlement with the lawsuit may make them more likely to settle outside of court. I may try that. I wanted to ask you.....when they lock you out of your report, are creditors also locked out? Equifax is my sister's worst report and that may save us a lot of time by simply getting that report taken out of circulation. Also, any tips on filing in small claims?
Re: Re: Re: Best way to sue Equifax for what it's worth, i spoke with the head judge of the small claims court in the ga city i live in and he told me he was not aware of any georgia laws that permitted a small claims suit over credit reporting. if anybody from georgia knows this to be untrue, please let me know. thanks...ed
Re: Re: Re: Best way to sue Equifax for what it's worth, i spoke with the head judge of the small claims court in the ga city i live in and he told me he was not aware of any georgia laws that permitted a small claims suit over credit reporting. if anybody from georgia knows this to be untrue, please let me know. thanks...ed
Re: Re: Re: Re: Best way to sue Equifax The way I got around it in Arizona is this: The FCRA and FDCPOA assign original jurisdction to the Federal District Court or any other court of competent jurisdiction. Arizona Long Arm statute assigns jurisdiction to the County where the Plaintiff resides if no defendant has Arizona Nexus, and Arizona law assigns original jurisdiction to Small Claims (Justice Court) to all controversies under $5000. Georgia should work the same way.