When you file a complaint online, do you receive any type of confirmation or correspondence from them? I filed a complaint about a week ago and haven't heard a peep. Should I have? Thanks! L
When I filed a complaint with the BBB against TU for non-permissable inquiries, I got a letter in the mail approx. one week after I filed (online) from the BBB saying they were forwarding my complaint and to please allow a few weeks for any results, however their ltr also said they don't really deal with these types of "issues". About 1.5-2 weeks later, I got my results.
Nope. Came back with a "we cannot remove inquiries who have a permissible purpose." Thankfully TU is a CRA that almost no one uses over here. Still like to have to inquiries gone though.
I called my local BBB and they said BBB has 30 days to investigate a matter. She bascially told me not to do an online complaint becaus they get so many. She also said she pays more attention to complaints that are actually mailed in. So I sent all of my complaints CRRR to the BBB and FTC. I was so tempted to do it online but following this lady's advice I think will make a difference. Also, she told me to make 2 copies of all documentation and send it along with my letter. So I'm waiting to see what the results are in 30 days.