Beware of First Premier

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mediccc24, Jul 11, 2002.

  1. Mediccc24

    Mediccc24 Well-Known Member

    Hi all.

    Just wanted to relay a story to all of you.

    Recently my wife and family took a trip to NY. Two days earlier, we paid off our First Premier card in order to have it for the rental car and other incidentals. We used their website so we would be sure they got the payment immediately. It's only a $500 card but still a card. Anyway, we flew into NY and got to the rental car place and was told my card was denied. So using our cell phone we immediately called to make an electronic payment over the phone. When my wife called the credit card company they said they saw both payments for $500 ($1000 total) however, neither would post until midnight the following night. We explained that we were stuck in JFK airport with no way to leave and asked them to raise our limit or override the computer or something. They refused to help in any way. We were forced to take a limo service 100 miles to our destination. On top of all this, First premier would not give us back the over payment of $500 nor could it be used as credit. It would be used to pay off any carges up to the next billing cycle. Needless to say we will be looking for another card very shortly and First Premier will be getting a very strongly worded PFB from me. So the moral of this story is always make sure you double check your account status before using your cards for travel. I'm sure this is good advice for ANY card.

  2. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Just like First Deposit National Bank (Providian Bank) did to me almost ten years. I have secured Visa Card with $500 credit limit. The account didn't have any grace period and I paid as soon as I charge it .I used the card as soon as the check was cleared and posted. The card security called me and they forced me to close the account. The annual fee of the card is not refundable. From then on no more Providan.


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member


    How did they force you to close the account? Why were you a security risk just b/c you paid sooner than what they would have liked??? Seems like the only breach of security was the unlikelihood that they would be lining their pockets with your interest money, and that apparently ticked them off.
  4. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    I'm kinda on the other side of the fence here. If you checked First Premier's site to see if the payment was received, it would have also told you what your available credit was.

    I use their site all the time to check my account and there have been many time where it will show a reduced balance but no increase in avaiable credit due to the hold they place on the payment for a few days.
  5. lovellsh

    lovellsh Well-Known Member


    I just wondered how long you have had your card with First Premier and if you were ever able to get a credit line increase.
  6. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    They wanted to make interest off me and I won't let them. As soon as the account has balance, I sent money order to pay off the account. They give me all kind of excuse like how do I know your check is good or not. I told him I wrote a money order to pay for it. He made the account having zero credit available and they still charging me annual fee every year. I couldn't use the card and I have to pay annual fee. They're kind of forcing me to close the account. Now I have many cards having no annual fee,unsecured credit lines. I don't need them anymore.


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