biggest pain of being in debt

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by peeper, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    Bills tie you down.They prevent you from living life the way you want.Every month you have to remember what bill is due how much you have to pay on it and when is it due.You get stuck in a life style you can.t change because you need to make a certain amount of money to pay these bill.Even when you want to go on vacation you have to make sure you pay certain bills before you leave on your trip.Most of the stuff you bought that got you in debt is either old and not even being used.The pressure of paying these bills on time every month so you don't get hit with a large late fee slowly wears you out emotionally.The greatest feeling is peace of mind which gives you the ability to focus your time on living life with the people you love and enjoy being with.Hopefully some day we can all say free at last,free at last thank god i am free at last.
  2. cherie

    cherie Well-Known Member

    Amen sister! Iwas just looking back through the posts.
  3. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    Credit can be good if you use it wisely. Get loans where you can invest them money and make a little interest on it. For example, get 0% for a year. Take a balance transfer and put it in your money market account. Pay the minimum on the card (and don't use it for anything else) until the year is up. Take the money from your money market account and pay it off. You will have made some interest, plus you've forced yourself to save a little by making payments from your regular income.

    Use a credit card that has rewards like frequent flyer miles. Use it only for what you would pay cash for. Pay in full at the end of the month so you don't pay any interest. Collect the miles and soon you have enough for a free flight, so you can take a fairly inexpensive vacation.

    Running up cards for things you don't need and then not being able to pay them off is trouble, but credit in and of itself is not bad.

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