Bill Bauer...Question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by melsy, Jan 8, 2002.

  1. melsy

    melsy Member

    Bill, I am very interested in your Creditwrench program. Just have a couple questions first, to see if I am a good candidate for your techniques:

    I have a couple of stubborn student loan accounts that are showing 7 times 90-day late each. They only show this way on TU. They show as never late on the other 2 reports. The accounts did go past due (1 time 120+ days late), but I then filled out a forbearance that was approved and was retro-active to cover the late period.

    Since the forbearance ended, I have paid on time and never late.

    I also have a couple of collection agency accounts. One has recently been paid in full and is about 5 years old. The other is more recent and I owe about $175 on it, but am holding out paying to keep some leverage.

    Finally, I have a car loan that was paid in full about 4 years ago. The final balance of a few hundred dollars was charged off, then paid in full a month later. However, they are reporting on Equifax the charge-off and 9 30-day lates. Every time I dispute this, they add on more lates! It should not be showing as late at all, because any late payments were more than 7 years ago. On TU, I disputed it and it came back with a balance of $88!!??

    Anyway, I contacted Ford (had to go through 4 different phone numbers to find where this was getting reported from). I finally found the right one, and she told me they have no negative info on file and to dispute with the bureaus and she would verify as a positive account. I disputed - more lates were added. (It went from 9 to 11 to 16 and now back to 9 lates, within 6 months!)

    I don't expect you to hand me all the answers right now - I am willing to pay for your services if you think you can help me. So, what do you think?
  2. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member


    Bill Has not been here in a few moths (long story). Try e-mailing him directly.

  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I don't think Bill Bauer is posting here anymore, or if his "ban" was lifted yet. I personally have not used his services, but people here have mixed emotions. With the things you are trying to accomplish you may want to consider trying it yourself first.

    1. With regards to Ford, start firing off some pretty nasty emails to them (papertrail) telling them to fix immediately or you MAY sue. (use whatever wording makes YOU feel comfortable). OR if you have a copy of an old TU report with the dates of the late pays being MORE than 7 years ago, send a "get this off or get sued" letter.
    ***Experts...Can she actually sue over this? Just file the small claims and send the old report (provided she has one)with the paperwork?****
    2. Doc gave me a great letter for trying to dispute paid CA's and late pays etc. I *think* the post is under "thanks guys wish me luck" (I don't know how to post URL's from Creditnet).
    3. Call the student loa provider and tell them what is going on, you were in forebearance its being reported late, when you dispute it comes back verfied. Tell them you want a letter stating it was NEVER late.
    4. $175, you can either start the validation process and hope they screw up somewhere OR pay it ONLY in exchange for deletion, GET IT IN WRITING!!

    Am I missing anything?
  4. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Ok only thing I have to say is:

  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Is calling you 4 times after the CA signed the green card Considered screwing up?
  6. ottoguy

    ottoguy Active Member


    If you have trouble finding Bill Bauer email me and i'll pass along his email address.

    I have been working with him for a month and have only praise for his help

  7. ottoguy

    ottoguy Active Member

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