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Bill Bauer

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by smogtek, Sep 26, 2002.

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  1. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    Why are some people asking for documentation? If you don't want to contribute then don't. When other members of this board asked for help awhile ago, nobody asked for verification, we all just chipped in and helped.
  2. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    What exactly did Bill do to make people so mad at him? I've been on this board for quite some time, and the only thing I saw was his flaming against bkev.
  3. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Actually I would rather you start a "Bash Doc" thread. Oops, looks like you've already started right here.


    TXOUTLAW New Member

    This is to set the record straight!

    I attempted to contact Bill a few times to obtain some info I needed but there was no response (very uncharecteristic of Bill). Upon my 3rd attempt he responded by sending me the info I needed and an explanation of why it had taken so long for him to respond. This is when I learned of his misfortune.

    If you read my thread on the CREDITWRENCH website, you will clearly see that I'm the one that offered my assistance to Bill!! Additionally I took it upon myself to ask for donations to help Bill and his family in their time of need.

    If you could donate that was great and if you couldn't then that was fine too!!! I realize that most of us are on these boards because we have experienced some type of financial misfortune and we are trying to educate ourselves to get back on the right path.

    Bill never ask for a thing and he still hasn't!! But he has been more than willing to help me and many other people for that matter!!! I can guarantee that BB will never beg for help!!! Just like you and I, he is an American with a ton of pride!!

    As far as I'm concerned, we should step up and help friends and family in their time of need without them having to ask!! That's just what I attemted to do!!

    It's appalling that people can make jokes about a persons misfortune!! Well, you won't be laughing and joking if you fall on hard times!!!

    As far as Bill having to provide proof of these tragic events, now that's a joke!!!! Let's hope that if anything like this ever happens to you, your not expected to beg someone for help or prove that it really happened!!!!

    If you like Bill that's great and if you don't that's fine too. This is not the time to declare open season on BB!!! Just remember what comes around goes around!!

    My advice is to get your facts straight before you start firing off posts on something that you know nothing about.

    These are the facts!! So post away!! Negative or positive comments!! Doesn't matter to me!! After all, freedom of speech is what America is all about!!

  5. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    In case anyone is truly curious there was NO fire reported on the street that the reverse telephone directory has for Bills number. Unless he has his number under someone elses name (it is a under a woman and her last name is not Bauer) then no such fire existed. You may call 405-297-3314 as I did yesterday to verify this infomation. They did transfer me somewhere and I am not sure where but again there was no fire at the address that is listed with the telephone number on CreditWrench.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    It is just too CONFUSING to follow him...

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Maybe BKEV really got him good...DOWN TO HIS LAST $$$$ IN THE SUIT...
  8. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    When a member of the board needed help she DID NOT ask for it, it was a spontaneous volunteering of offers from the members.

    The trouble with this whole deal has to do with the entire issue of credit, credit repair, collections and the numerous people and companies who prey on their gullible and uninformed victims.

    Bill Bauer on one of his numerous websites proclaims himself as the best credit repair authority around, this is along with his smoker's rights crusade,and grow your own tobacco and numerous other schemes he touts.

    Yes, some of his ideas and letters have merit and have been useful, that does not, in my opinion, legitimize this whole deal of asking on a public forum for financial contributions.

    Especially for a loss that the poorest and most uninformed person reading would have had enough brains to have been insured for.

    I do not know how many people posting and reading here have been victimized by con artists posing as credit repairmen,but it seems that some among us have not learned their lesson.
  9. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    BILL DIDN'T ASK FOR ANYTHING EITHER! Just like in the other case, some kind person mentioned they were having trouble and we helped.
  10. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    By the way, I'm not knocking the other person, she's very nice.
  11. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member


    How do you know that this "person" isn't Bill? Do you honestly think that he would not do that?
  12. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    He has been "CAUGHT" doing a BOBBY...(signing on with VARIOUS
    names, and even talking to himself)...
  13. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure, but I think it's pretty far fetched, even for bill, to make something like this up though.
  14. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    LOL, I wasn't aware of that GEORGE.
  15. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    jrjr- Look I posted the phone number to the OK City fire department. There was no fire at the address he has listed with his telephone number. I simply told them that I was considering donating to help out the family. She immediatly transfered me to someone named Tony (sorry do not know what department) and he confirmed to me that there was no fire. Call if you would like....You are right, it is hard to swallow that someone is that sick. The fact is, some are.

    Go to his site and look at the other posts by this Texan. I think that there are 2 threads both suggest sending money to Bill. One for stopping pop ups the other for the "fire".
  16. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    I hear ya, but people should be given the benefit of the doubt, until proven otherwise.
  17. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    I did prove otherwise. I called. Feel free to do the same. I then would suggest that you call the OK City Poilce and bring to their attention that someone is making false statments to get donations over the internet.
  18. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Well, if that's true, that's pretty sad. :(

  19. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Have any of you guys been over to Bill site and read his response to the allegations? Bill has pulled his stunts in the past but I really don't believe for a minute that he would lie about something like this in order to garner sympathy and donations. I also have not seen where Bill has asked for help. This is no different than the situation that was going on here several months ago with a member.
  20. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

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