Bill Bauer?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jdog0411, Oct 17, 2002.

  1. jdog0411

    jdog0411 Well-Known Member


    I actually consider myself pretty versed in the way all of this works. My post count is not high, but I have been implementing the techniques I learned on creditnet for almost a year now (and doing previous credit repair for the last 6 years, with mixed results).

    I have used validation, verification, CRA disputes, Statute of Limitations defenses and numerous other techniques to clean my credit to a state of 98% clean at this point. I just have a couple more derogs to go.

    I have also been sued twice by creditors (awoke some sleeping giants :) ) and I am presently suing Arrow Financial Services for FCRA and FDCPA violations.

    I highly value the expertise of the veterans around here and the knowledge I have gained has been invaluable.

    I just wanted to check out Bill Bauer to see if he had any approaches that varied from those used here and see how credible he is.

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