BK-13 question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mirage, Mar 31, 2001.

  1. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Just noticed something on my CRA reports. I mailed my discharged papers to all three last 08/00. Transunion has me listed as dismissed instead of discharged.

    The Bk-court did file a motion to dismiss me, but my attorney had my status reinstated. I finally caught up with the payments and completed my Bk.

    Should I dispute this with Transunion? This is a legit dispute, but the BK-trustee and the BK-clerk has screwed up the proper listing of my final dispostion. I do have semi-certified copies of my discharge and a final payment summarty sheet. It was these documents that I mailed out to the big 3, and only Transunion has failed to properly list me as discharged and Experian has no closure at all, so I mailed them a second copy of my paper work.

    Is my FICO score treated differently if my Bk-13 is listed as dismissed vs. discharged?

    Best regards,

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