Hello, I have a BK-7 discharged on 4/05. What are my chances of securing a $5,000 personal loan. I still own my home and don't want to refinance at higher rate , etc. Any suggestions who takes BK's less tha 2 years ago?
Securing a $5,000 personal loan is giving an agreement to pay $5,000 worth of collateral to the lender should you default on a loan. If you mean an unsecured loan, your chances depend on what you've done with your credit in the last year and a half. Have you opened any new accounts, and have you stayed current on them? If not, I'd say your chances are slim. Ask yourself if you really need a loan. Do you have other options, such as a part-time job, side business, etc.?
Do you have equity in you're home You may be able to get a home equity loan, or line of credit, depending on how much equity you have available in you're home. Do you happen to know you're current credit score?
For unsecured, you could try www.prosper.com. This site does check your credit rating from Experian and puts you in a A - HR rating. Anyone with an E or HR would probably pay about 29% interest rate on a 3-yr loan. That's IF you can get 100% funded on your loan. The good news is - the loan would get reported back to the CAs, so you would also be building your credit (provided you pay on time each month). Sledge
For all types of loan hi! you can try following link: URL REMOVED BY MOD: UNAUTHORIZED ADVERTISING USER BANNED they helped me with a great deal. reply to this post for more details. Jenny
This user should be banned Do you work for autolending, or do you get a referal bonus. Every post that you have added to this board has been an advertisement.