BK deleted by EX

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jmranchman, Jun 28, 2008.

  1. jmranchman

    jmranchman Member

    I was able to get my bankruptcy deleted before the fall off date Experian, and TU and EQ verified. My question is, is there a possibility that the BK could be re-entered on the EX file and what might cause this to happen if it could. Thanks for th help.
  2. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    If it's already close to the 7 year reporting/fall off period, they might stay off for good.
  3. jmranchman

    jmranchman Member

    Yeah, that is what I was hoping.

    Do the courts report the bankruptcy periodically like credit card companies do? I guess my thinking was that once it is reported after filing, it is just there until the drop-off point. I noticed where it was reported on all three reports, it was updated when it was dismissed and then nothing since.

    Hopefully, it wont return. I was surprised when EX didnt verify it. I have heard they are usually pretty tough on verification of BK.
  4. greg1045

    greg1045 Well-Known Member

    The court's Public Notice, or whatever you call it stay on your reports for ten years. It's the individual creditors' history/Zero balance/included in bankruptcy, etc. that falls off after 7 years.
  5. NightStar

    NightStar Well-Known Member

    It should not come back but if it does reinsertion rules apply. If they reinsert then they must give you 5 business day notice. If they fail to do this, then all you need do is write back pointing out you have not been given proper notice of reinsertion and to please remove from the credit report.

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