BK off CR

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Steve123, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. Steve123

    Steve123 Member

    My bankrupcty fell off my CR and my score dropped 21 points. Is this common?
  2. goldhummin

    goldhummin Well-Known Member

    Seems bizarre. What kind of scores are we talking? Did anything else change at all? Did it happen to be your oldest item or something like that?
  3. Steve123

    Steve123 Member

    I think it might have been my oldest item (10 yrs). Score dropped from 640 to 619. Think it will recover at all?
  4. goldhummin

    goldhummin Well-Known Member

    Undoubtedly it will recover. Congrats on getting through the past 10 years. I hope things are much better for you now!

    Sounds like what you need is an OLD account to raise the length of time that your file has been reported. Any chance that a buddy with an old TL could add you as an AU?
  5. NightStar

    NightStar Well-Known Member

    Agree it was the fact that that was the oldest tradeline on the credit report, what you need now is replacement history, and as you age existing accounts, it will only get better. Make sure also that on existing accounts, that you keep your utilization low, and request periodic increases to your credit limit.

    AU accounts are great if someone you know can help you out. To add you as an authorized user to their accounts.

    Make sure though, that the account they add you to, has long established history, high credit limit, low balance, and perfect payment history. You don't have to use this account, better if you don't, all you have to do is give the AU card back to the owner and ride their good credit reporting, then in a few years, establishment of your own good history, request that they remove you from the account. It should still show up on your credit report, just that you will not be linked on the creditors side to using it again.

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