equifax told me a DISMISSED 13 stays on report for 10 years, only a DISCHARGED 13 comes off in 7...tell me she's wrong, please!
Does that mean you didn't finish the BK??? CANCELED??? 2 years like an inquiry sounds MORE THAN ENOUGH TIME... I'M NOT AN EXPERT...
On the back of my Equifax credit report it states that Courthouse records remain for 7 years from date filed except: ...Bankruptcy Chapter 13 "non-dismissed" or "non-discharged" remain 10 years from the date filed. I've always read 7 years and really that statement doesn't make sense because wouldn't "non-dismissed" mean "discharged"? Cases can be dismissed "voluntarily" or by the court so maybe it just depends. I don't have a clue, sorry!!
The petition was still filed in Federal Court whether the person completes the plan or not, for whatever reason, it will show up. The question here is for how long and why. From everything I've read, just because you either can't finish your plan or you voluntarily get out of it, the fact is, you still filed.
This is true with Equifax, but not with the other reporting agencies. I went through a Chapter 13 about 12 years ago, completed the plan and Equifax removed the entry after 7 years, almost to the day without any prompting from me. TU and Experian kept the notation for 10 years.
Hal, All three now remove discharged Chapter 13's 7 years from the filing date, as a matter of bureau practice (stated in disclosures). If the 13 is not dishcarged, rules vary from bureau to bureau.