BK7 Question for friend

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by badcrd.com, Oct 4, 2004.

  1. badcrd.com

    badcrd.com Member

    Can you exclude good tradelines w/no lates and in good standing from a chapter 7 bankruptcy schedule? This a question for a friend who has a permanent disability and is now on a fixed income, but wants to keep her car loan and one credit card which she makes current payments.

    My good news, I have no credit which is as bad as bad credit. I applied and received a Kay's Jewelry Card. Does anyone know how long this will take to report on my reports?
  2. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    She cannot selectively exclude items from her bankruptcy, however she may choose to reaffirm. The bank financing the car loan shouldn't be a problem, however there is no guarantee that a credit card company will want to keep her as a costumer once she files, regardless of payment history.
  3. safti

    safti Active Member

    You do not have to iclude any cc in your CH 7 as long as it has a zero balance at the time you file.If you do have any balance it must be included with your filing.
  4. badcrd.com

    badcrd.com Member

    Thanks for your reply. I am just trudging along with her. I just printed out all of the info for Chapter 7 from this website and another forum. That way she can have a informed decision.

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