
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by humblemarc, Oct 17, 2002.

  1. NiceGuy

    NiceGuy Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Blacklisted!

    Thanks, BradJ for BoA info -- maybe I will try that...

    Did Chase spare you the inquiry at least?
  2. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Blacklisted!

    Pooch, wow this popped up after a YEAR! I can't believe it. Had to be one of my first posts. (I didn't look at the number on it.)

    A bro got the company a corp card and after two requests to get me a card, followed by denials, they did issue me one of our company's cards. (Open.) I called them and they said they did not have it, someone else did, but it must have been flagging something in their system. I am not sure if someone addressed this since then on CN, but I was going to try to call them to pay and not ask them about who has it. Any strategy ideas?

    Some day I'd like to have another Amex and Citi (personal) just to say I do. Oddly, Citi biz issued me one with no problem. Citi may not have BL'd me because when I applied with them personally they turned me down for some mysterious late that is not on my cr and too many inqs!! (After my spree this spring lol) I cannot WAIT until I get cr's just for the fun of it and do not need them for my biz!!! Just so I can have it in my wallet and go "HA!! finally!!"
  3. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Blacklisted!

    Pooch, wow this popped up after a YEAR! I can't believe it. Had to be one of my first posts. (I didn't look at the number on it.)

    A bro got the company a corp card and after two requests to get me a card, followed by denials, they did issue me one of our company's cards. (Open.) I called them and they said they did not have it, someone else did, but it must have been flagging something in their system. I am not sure if someone addressed this since then on CN, but I was going to try to call them to pay and not ask them about who has it. Any strategy ideas?

    Some day I'd like to have another Amex and Citi (personal) just to say I do. Oddly, Citi biz issued me one with no problem. Citi may not have BL'd me because when I applied with them personally they turned me down for some mysterious late that is not on my cr and too many inqs!! (After my spree this spring lol) I cannot WAIT until I get cr's just for the fun of it and do not need them for my biz!!! Just so I can have it in my wallet and go "HA!! finally!!"
  4. Maer

    Maer Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Blacklisted!

    I would love some more info on B of A as well.
    I b/k'd with them about 7 years ago. On their website they have qualification info for their SECURED card (100% secured mind you). Among other things it says the following:
    "You have never filed for bankruptcy"
    Not "in the last 7 or 10 years" or anything. Just NEVER filed for bankruptcy. If they are that strict on a 100% secured card, I'm sure they are even more so on a regular card.
    I would really love to have their card again though.......
  5. NiceGuy

    NiceGuy Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Blacklisted!

    I had a BOA CC back in 1996 that was included in my BK13. Once my credit was spotless and the BK gone (7 yrs), I decided to reapply last month.

    I was approved for over $10K line on their Visa Plat with 9.9% fixed APR. This would lead me to believe there is no blacklist, even if they have been burned by you before IF your current credit is up to par.
  6. Maer

    Maer Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Blacklisted!

    That's interesting. Thanks for the info. I wonder if it was different because you had a 13 where as I have a 7. Were'nt they for the most part paid back through your 13?
    I still have about 3 years to go for my 7 to go away. I sure hope I'll be able to get one by then.
    Do you know anything about Citibank? I "burned" them as well. I've heard they have an internal black list though.
  7. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Blacklisted!

    Yes they do as I have the rejection letter sitting right in front of me.

    Don't even bother, even if you get a'pre-approval' offer from them.

    Best regards,
  8. NiceGuy

    NiceGuy Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Blacklisted!

    Well, BofA actually didn't get a dime out of my 13.

    You see, I didn't file the BK until I had already stopped paying on my cards for 10 months, so BofA had already sold my account off to a collection agency. That CA got a few dollars (was several thousand dollar bal) and that was all.

    In fact BoA showed the acct as a charge off in their system and on CRA's as recently as two years ago -- branch manager showed me. I had to contact BofA CC services at that point to get them to update it to Included/Discharged in BK and got a confirmation letter from them stating the results as such.

    Needless to say, I was amazed at the approval!!!
  9. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Blacklisted!

    I have a Bank of America charge off (never filed BK) from over 10 years ago. $5K was charged off. I am told the account is still showing in their system as being owed. Any chances I would be approved for another account without repaying this one?
  10. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Blacklisted!

    I have a Bank of America charge off (never filed BK) from over 10 years ago. $5K was charged off. I am told the account is still showing in their system as being owed. Any chances I would be approved for another account without repaying this one?
  11. credit6949

    credit6949 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Blacklisted!

    Most people really do not understand there is a distinct advantage to filing a C13 over a C7 in many cases.

    Through the C13 plan, with a good lawyer and depending on your cash flow, you only pay back between 10% and 50% of the debt over a period of up to 5 years. Few people pay back more than that. With Trustee approval and a willing creditor you can still get credit under limited circumstances.

    After you complete the C13 plan, the balance is discharged by the court. Even though it is discharged, many creditors still look positively upon it because you made some kind of effort to repay a portion of what you owed.

    Under C7 the installment debt is wiped out 100% so the creditors get screwed. In that case why would they be stupid enough to let you go back and screw them again?

    Another misunderstanding on this forum is that student loans cannot be discharged in C7 and that is wrong. Federal judges have a lot of latitude from Congress to bend the rules. Under extreme conditions the BK judge will waive those debts too but it depends on the condition, BK court jurisdiction and how competent a lawyer you have.

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