I am a little excited I got approved for two of my favorite stores. Now I have a place to buy my suits But Saks gave me a 400 credit limit that is a skirt at Saks. Oh well I will sock in the draw when they come to their senses Bloomies did give me $1000, which I heard is good because they are stingy on initial limits. Ony one left is Neiman and if you know which report they pull, please do tell. Cypri
Wow! You've been approved for a lot lately! I've had Bloomingdale's since 1993. Started out with a $200 limit and it's now at $400. I requested an increase w/o a report (of course) earlier this year and that's all they would give me. Then I called and requested another increase not too long ago and they said no because I never utilized the last increase that they gave me. They like to see some pay history before they grant another increase. I had a zero balance so recently I bought a few things there just to show some activity ($150 worth). I would LOVE a NM or Saks card but I'm too afraid to apply. I only shop there to buy Ferederic Fekkai stuff anyway but now Nordstroms carries it so I'll get it from there. Then there is the Chanel Boutique, humm.....
KHM: I had a 685 on Experian and Bloomies pulled Experian , I live in Florida. Saks originally pulled EQ but I have problems with EQ file reporting grossly inaccurate, two files in my name deal! So they did me a courtesy and pulled TU which has an Emperica score of 677. MP: We have to go shopping Go for it, I decided to hold off on Neiman because its all getting a little heady! I need to just focus build history and then limits. I did close two crapola accounts today, so I guess I just replaced them Bloomies and Saks. But Nordstrom is really the bomb store, I found awesome shoes there this week. Even though I paid off their bil, I was very good and paid with money from my checking,that interest is too high t carry a balance. I m looking to get an increase soon, i have been with them for 3 months now, soo we will see. Cypri Cypri
Cyprigirl, I recently was approved for Neiman's & they pulled CSC(Equifax)for a review(I'm in Texas). Best of luck, Sister Girl
Congratulations Cyprigirl! Two great stores! I have been wondering which reports Saks and Neimans-my two favorite stores! Thanks everyone for sharing info. No bloomies in my area, but have been several times to the one in NYC. I like Saks because they carry Trish McEvoy cosmetics and have incredible shoe sales. I like Neimans for their soaps, candles, and Kiehl's Body Products. BTW-they sell a fabulous whiskey cake for the holidays!
Thank you for your comments! Thanks Sister Girl for the info! I will have to hold off on Neiman until EQ fixes my file. Cypri
Congrats Cypri! Now go to one of those stores and get yourself a really nice wallet with 15 credit card slots (you need it!) You are really racking them up! It's a great payoff for your hard work. cariba
Daaaaammmmmmmnnnnn.......Cyprigirl! You go girl! I am NOT MAD AT YA'! You really deserve it. Both you and Roni have really got it goin' on! Keep insipiring us gals on this board. Soon, we can ALL get together and have a slumber party!!!! =oD Hmmm....I think it's time for me to get back to working on my credit report. But first....I need to pay off some of my credit cards. I can't wait to throw Providian and Orchard Bank credit cards in the garbage!!!!!
mother I could not wait to get rid of Orchard Bank. Just keep at it! It is soooo worth it ! Thanks again! Cypri
I will! (P Diddy's song)....and I can't stop now.....and I won't stop Noooowwwww! I think that's how it goes...... =oD
Look...Can a girl even get a Radio Shack... (Florida Evans "damn, damn, damn!!!") Congrats girl! Did you send off the resume yet?Also, have you seen the latest JD Jungle...excellent tips in there this month.
Hi K Actually I decided to send it off this week, I am doing some finishing touches on it. It will definitely go out on Friday, wish me luck! Thanks again about the tip! I will send you an email later on today. Cypri
I am so proud of you! If time permits maybe we can do lunch over at the Ritz or at Mick's. I've got prayers in for you.