Wow. I just got a $12,000 CL increase on my AMEX Blue. I took advice from a post from awhile back that Dani posted on how to request them from Amex. I called (800) 337-9555 and asked the Amex Blue rep to transfer me to Centurian Bank as I wanted a credit line increase. She transferred me to a representative who asked me three questions: 1. Yearly household income 2. Amount of monthly mortgage 3. How much of an increase I wanted I asked for $15K, but said he could only give me $12K. Heck I was shooting high anyway, so I am satisfied. Thanks Dani! ---- Message from a previous post ------------- Amex Blue is the easiest. Lesson - do not apply for a CL increase online. They pull a hard inquiry. The best way is to contact Blue and have them transfer you to Centurion Bank. The rep will look at your payment history with them, your balance, etc. and ask for your gross income. They will also ask how much you would like to increase it to. I have tried this way five times (every six months) and they have never pulled my report. Hope this helps. Dani ----------------------------------------------------
I have a couple of questions. What was your initial limit? What did you state for household income? Just trying to get an idea of what gets those big increases. ;-)
I have had the blue card for about 3 years. When first approved, they gave me a line of 6K. After a year had gone by, I asked for a line increase through my account on their web site and it went to 10k. It appeared to me that they just matched the limits of my other two cards which were at 10K limits. Over the past two years AMEX has never automatically provided me any increases, nor have I requested any. But decided it was time for a CL increase. 1. Yearly household income I answered $88K, this is income combined with wife 2. Amount of monthly mortgage My mortgage is $1500 monthly 3. How much of an increase I wanted I asked for $15K, but they gave me $12K. New CL is $22000 Also, The centurian rep also mentioned that if you use the Amex Blue checks (Which usually come with your statements), that you receive 4.9% for the balance of that purchase or balance transfer. However if you cash the check in your bank for cash, that will apply as a cash advance and does not apply. Citibank Plat has the better deal on this as they offer a 3.9% for the balance when using their checks, however I think they are only for balance transfers.
Nifty! I've been thinking about calling and just didn't get around to it until today. I called and asked for my limit to be increased by 2k (limit was 3k)... well they just asked me the hh income and poof! she said we can raise the limit to 8k! I wasn't expecting quite that much, but I sure wasn't gonna turn it down! I was just hoping for my Blue to be competitive with my other cls. Thanks for the incentive to call! Ozzy.
Any hope for a Blue card for people like me in the high 600's. Because they denied me not to long ago. Hmmmm , maybe that was due to credit pulls.
Re: Re: Blue gave me $12K CL increase... I was in the same boat. I read on this board to apply for the amx green. Which I did, and was approved. I guess I will wait for about six months and request for an upgrade to the blue.
Re: Re: Re: Blue gave me $12K CL increase... You can not change or upgrade from a charge card (Green) to a credit card (Blue) and viceversa.
Re: Re: Re: Blue gave me $12K CL increase... I called and got excellent results yesterday. All they needed was hh income and I got my limit increased from $2k to $7k without an inquiry, they said they could do more but they would have to pull a report and I said no thanks!! She also said I would be eligible for my next increase 8/5/03. I beginning to like Amex Blue - $7k at 7.9% fixed.
Re: Re: Re: Blue gave me $12K CL increase... i have a blue business card the number to call would be 8004923344 for that one. Everything went fine but they said that since i requested a line of credit increase ( via the internet ) about 1 and a half months ago, and it was denied, i would have to let them pull another report to see if anything had changed now. bummer, i wish i found out about this way before...
Just tried to call Amex to request an increase and asked to be out through to Centurion Bank. I got transferred and got an automated response telling me call another number which I didn't write down before they terminated the call! Anyone have the direct number for Centurion Bank so that I can ask about the increases?? thanks!