boa and credit cards for illegal aliens

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by peeper, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    The fact that bank of america wants to issue credit cards to illegal aliens is proof just how greedy banks are becoming.Their bottom line means more than the safety and security of the american people.The universal default clause is one of the biggest rip offs placed on the american debtor.Politicians are to blame for not stopping this greedy tactic along with the fact that default interest rates on unsecured loans are past the 30% rate.Late fees.nfs fees and over the limit fees are nearing 40.00. Debtors are no longer allowed to deduct interest paid on loans when filing their income tax returns.The next thing their working on is to not let homeowners claim the interest on their home loan as a deduction.The banking industry is getting out of hand.Greed has no limits.
  2. pa1205

    pa1205 Well-Known Member

    I had heard this the other day. I thought that with the patriot act they would have to supply a social security number or tin number, would illegal aliens have this ? I think this is a BIG mistake and not fair to the american people.
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    The CRAs claim they have no way to tell which user of a SSN is the legitimate one, so if a single SSN is used by what appears to be two different people (say, two different names), they set up two identities and files and leave it to their clients to figure out which report to pull.

    One BofA customer found out someone was using their SSN when BofA sent her the other person's debit card (with picture) by mistake.
  4. rbrussell

    rbrussell Well-Known Member

    Illegal aliens can get a credit card, but I cant.


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