I used the myeasypayment.com website to make a payment in February. My payment was late. It was due 1/29/05. On 2/26/05 I made my payment online with their online bill pay service. I received a confirmation number, and ACTUALLY wrote it down. BoA claims they never received the payment. (It did not clear my account) POOF GONE..... I get a phone call on 3/7 that my payment is now over 30 days. I give them my confirmation number. They claim they can't trace those. WHY GIVE THEM THEN????? I call: Collections, loan installments, managers, the web technical guys. No one claims they can trace that number. I had sucessfully made payments this way in the past with no problems. I tried to email on the website where it says to contact us by email. I emailed these people 3 times with no response. This will be the 1st negative on my cr. Any ideas on how to get these morons to listen to me? I have called and been on hold til I'm blue in the face. Please help!
Did the money leave your checking account, or did you authorize a payment but they never processed it? If you find you are dealing with ineptness, go to the top. Write a letter to their CEO outlining in complete detail your problem, and what they should properly do to deal with it. Send CRRR.