Does anyone have a contact name and number for BOFA Executive Office? I did a search and found a Robin Bricklin called a few weeks ago and left a vmx and have not received a call back. The number did not appear to be active, i.e. seems as if its strictly voice mail. In any case i have been a long time BOFA customer had a bk 6 yrs ago. Have over 50K on deposit. Called for reconsideration of app last week was promised i would be approved, called back to check for status was told no go because i have high utilization (just payed off some of my cards but it is not reflecting on my report). I am really p***ed at the poor treatment and lies by bofa csr. Also did planetfeedback and have not received a response. Any help you guys can give me would be appreciated.
How long ago did you pay off the other debt? Why not wait until the payment posts then ask BA to reconsider? If they won't play ball after that why not find another bank? Money talks and with 50K you will get more respect elsewhere. In that kind of position you don't need to beg if the service is lousy.
Thanks for the response....I just paid the cards off (1-2 weeks max) and the only one already showing up on my CR is Merrick Bank. I applied for the card at the same time i decided to payoff the other subprime cards. The others are Household, Orchard, and Macy's. I guess i could wait but then i have to reapply again and go through this process all over again. I just think since i've been with the bank that long and actually have money in the bank with them they would treat me a little different. You would think these guys would actually want to lend me money since if i defaulted they could offset against my accounts. I guess i am just really ticked off at how i am being treated by this company. Especially when they decide to give credit to other that have actually bk'd accts with them.
Getting wrapped up in what they do for others with their arbitrary decisions is a waste of your time, energy and peace of mind. Why play into that? Did you offer to fax them proof of payment instead of taking your word the payoffs were made? Sounds like you haven't given the payments time to post before getting upset about what the bank would not do. I'm not trying to defend them but the better approach would have been to let the credits show up then apply. Also, 50K is a fair sum of money but not exorbitant. They won't fall on their sword if you pick up your toys and leave. If it means that much then best of luck to you. Personally I would vote with my feet and put my money with a bank that I don't have to chase. Better yet divide the 50K among 2 banks and increase the probability of getting what I want.
Called back (couldn't resist) and spoke with csr then level mgr, told no go again. Received call back from mgr a couple minutes later and was told i am getting the hawaiian airlines card...will keep you guys posted.
called again to confirm was told i am getting the card by regular csr. I am only getting the classic card but have no doubt that i'll have a platinum card in 6 months.