Bradley Ross Law Firm/credit repair

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by JustinP, Nov 20, 2003.

  1. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    LMAO . . . you're right.
  2. Diana

    Diana New Member

    Bradley Ross Helped Me

    I went to a series of credit, financial, etc. seminars a few years ago. I learned what I could do to repair my credit history and felt as if it was a lot of work for me at the time (in terms of managing dates, specific letters to bureaus, noting when a bureau made a legal mistake that warrants removal of an item from the report, etc....) So, I subscribed to Bradley Ross and they helped me achieve wonderful results. I didn't mind paying them for their time and excellent recordkeeping. They do what we have the legal right to do for us. They aren't doing anything fraudulent. (Though creditors and bureaus will send you letters claiming that they are frauds...and can steal your identity or are unscrupulous.) They were always on top of their game via mail, e-mail, and on the phone. The only reason why I stopped using them was because I wanted to save money and subscribe to them at a later time when my bankruptcy record would be closer to removal date. The bankruptcy was a result of a divorce in which my ex-husband charged and took everything. Bradley Ross helped remove some of those scars as well. Hope this helps.

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