
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Dec 12, 2001.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I went to the BBB site online. You can first check a company before filing a complaint. Well I noticed several companies I wanted to complain about are actual BBB members and members of some BBB cares thing. They use mediation and dispute resolution etc. So....I used BBB to do some inquiry disputes and other disputes I have like a late pay etc etc. We will see how it works. But it sounds great to me if they are really wanting to keep their BBB rating and involved in this BBB cares idea.
  2. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    It is a good idea, and will of course depend on how receptive the business is to your inquiry.

    The concept of BBB fails at the point that businesses "voluntarily" become members and pay membership dues. The BBB will simply send a copy of your question/complaint to the business, and if they respond will report that fact. They don't really mediate per se and rarely penalize a member by removing their membership status.

    Alas, much like the CRA's they know on which side their bread is buttered - the side of the paying member.
  3. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I understand what you are saying, but not all businesses are members. The ones I did look up that are members are rated by how well and how fast they respond to complaints. The BBB cares program is this:
    Many BBB members have agreed to help their customers resolve any potential problems through proven mediation techniques and, if necessary, arbitration.

    BBB dispute resolution provides businesses and their customers with the chance to quickly address disputes at low cost and without the need to engage attorneys or the legal system.

    All BBBs offer the following dispute resolution options:

    CONCILIATION: BBB staff helps customers and businesses communicate so they can resolve any disputes informally;.
    MEDIATION: A professionally trained mediator meets with parties in a dispute and guides them in working out their own mutually agreeable solutions; or
    ARBITRATION: Disputing parties state their views at an arbitration hearing, offer evidence for their positions, and let an impartial third party from the BBB's pool of certified arbitrators make a final decision that will end the disputes.

    Not all are members of this either, so I'm hoping that the ones I complained about that ARE actual members of the BBB cares program will respond positively. If not...well it only took about 15 minutes to do 5 complaints.
  4. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    I don't disagre with your attempt at all, and I sincerely hope you are successful with it.

    I was only stating an opinion, and I offer as a case in point -

    Cross Country Bank (AKA Applied Card Systems)

    BBB Reliability Report

    Applied Card Systems Inc.
    800 Delaware Avenue
    Wilmington, DE 19801
    (Yahoo Map)

    General Information

    Original Business Start Date: June 1987
    Principal: Mr. Rocco A. Abessinio President
    Phone Number: (800) 626-8191
    Fax Number: (302) 467-4394
    Membership Status: Yes
    Type-of-Business Classification: Credit Card-Offers & Plans

    BBB Membership

    This company has been a member of this Better Business Bureau since November 1992. This means it supports the Bureau's services to the public and meets our membership standards.

    Program Participation

    This company participates in BBB CARE. This company has agreed to use special procedures including mediation and arbitration if necessary to resolve complaints.

    Nature of Business

    This company offers Credit Card Processing Service.

    Customer Experience

    Based on BBB files, this company has a satisfactory record with the Bureau. Any complaints processed by the Bureau in its three-year reporting period have been resolved. The number and type of complaints are not unusual for a company in this industry.

    To have a "Satisfactory Record" with the Bureau, a company must be in business for at least 12 months, properly and promptly address matters referred to it by the Bureau, and be free from an unusual volume or pattern of complaints and law enforcement action involving its marketplace conduct. In addition, the Bureau must have a clear understanding of the company's business and no concerns about its industry.

    I know several members here have CCB accounts and have not really had trouble with them.

    From personal experience as well as horror stories posted all over the internet, I firmly believe they are one of the worst credit card providers in existence and if their record with the BBB is "Satisfactory" I have to maintain that the BBB is slanted toward its members.
  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    BUMMER. Ok maybe I will have some success, but I don't have any hope left now :(
  6. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Actually, Christi, it's a great idea. To tell the truth, the famous Bill Bauer (where are the flamers?? lol) suggests that people try sending a letter to the Better Business Bureau describing the problem. I believe DaveLV had some success with a particularly incalcitrant collection agency who placed four separate negative items on all three reports for the same phone bill; he complained to the BBB, and I believe that everything was ultimately deleted from all reports. Dave, if you happen to read this thread, do comment!

    Although this approach (tattling to the BBB, lol) is a bit different than seeking mediation services through the BBB, it's still leveraging their organization in the service of improving your credit files.

    All great ideas. Hope restored, hopefully!

  7. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I have had success on 2 inquiries via planet feedback, for EQF. However they were over a year old and didn't impact my score one bit :(. All that work for nothing!

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