BT Questions

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by HOMEN2004, Oct 2, 2002.

  1. HOMEN2004

    HOMEN2004 Well-Known Member

    Can anyone help me to understand the BT thing? I have three unsecured CC accts w/ Capital One (a classic mc/Gold/Plat). Right now, all are above CL, which I am wondering if it I should BT or just PIF them all. I really don't want another CC b/c my score is in the upper 500's, but I want to get my utilization down fast. Can anyone offer some sound advice as always?

  2. HOMEN2004

    HOMEN2004 Well-Known Member

    C'mon guys, any advice?

  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I used to have 3 cap 1 accounts and I combined them into 1 and talked the famous Mr. Cooke who also lowered my interest rate and upped my credit limit....maybe do that and then pay off most of it to get a score bump...maybe leave $100 and see how your score reflects.....
  4. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member

    PAy them off and quit paying interest and any over limit fees.
  5. HOMEN2004

    HOMEN2004 Well-Known Member

    Thanks soup for your advice. I am going to do that. I would love to have a higher limit. Oh, and by the way, I have no neg. tradelines w/ my plat or gold, just one 60 day w/ classic. Thanks!

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