Guys, I have no revolving accounts and need some. I don't want to waste an inquiry on a declined application can you recommend a card you KNOW I can get: EX = 603 EQ = 549 TU = 490 (not sure why it's so low)
There really are no sure bets. Do you use a credit union? you might try taking a copy of your best report in there and talk to the people directly. Secured cards would be a good possibility. Search the board for other members recommendations. I got a Household mastercard with scores near yours. But, I've heard of others with better scores declined. There's really no sure thing in our fico range. Radi8
I would wait til your scores are in the high 600's before you try for a decent card. You might get a Cap 1 secured card. Charlie
I'm sure someone thought of this, but since you didn't say so... Become an AU on some nicey pricey cards that have no derog payments??