So everyone has been using bumpage.. I have been doing the bumpage routine on equifax the last 3 months or so.. I have lost all of my hard inquiries... Last week my file split because it was too long.. It was merged back together.. Still cant pull my file.. got this email today: Dear Consumer, Thank you for your recent attempt to purchase one of our online products. This product was unavailable to you at the time of initial purchase due to your credit file size. As a result, this matter was referred to our Technology Department for research. Our Technology Department has completed it's research and concluded file delivery may still encounter difficulty in the future due to file size, therefore, we are unable to guarantee successful delivery of your Equifax Credit Report to you online upon each request and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. If you choose to discontinue the service, please contact our call center at the phone number listed above to request cancellation. We will process a request for product cancellation and/or refund based upon the usage period of any current active order(s). The refund request will be submitted to your credit card provider and should appear on your account within the following 5-7 business days of its receipt (as suggested by each of the major credit providers). Thank you for choosing Equifax. We appreciate your business. Direct-to-Consumer
So everyone beware... bumpage may cause you not to be able to pull your report.. and guess what neither can the lenders pull the report electronically.. so now i can not apply for anything... as evidence applied for a 2nd loan from to take out equity for the down payment on my new house... no report no score.. now loan my be delayed... I cant find the post with Janice Hollands email.. is it Just a warning Kev
Can you imagine the number of bits flying around in these places! I mean, how many people do they have tons of info on! 100 million, 200 million? ... Multiply that by - what - another 100 million, 200 million ...
Kev, You can call EQ and tell the rep that your bank tried to pull your report and can't get it because of a problem on EQ's end, that you have a pending loan and that they MUST get it taken care of or you won't have any choice but to bring a suit against them because this is going to cost you a lot of money, etc.... We went through the exact same thing in July and they had it fixed in two days. We called Friday night, it was fixed Sunday morning. FWIW DemPooches
Someone, I can't remember who right now. Called and talked to a CSR and said if they didn't fix it he would sue them. Somehow they were able to fix it then. Remember the sig line from someone on the board, something like: never take no for an answer when they don't have the authority to say yes. Be persistant with them and you will have ONE file again. Charlie
Gotta jump in here... This happened to me. Five months later my file was put back together the day before I swore to EQ that I would file suit. They put it back together. I was thankful the mess was behind me. Guess what? They deleted 12 of my paid accounts, some old some less than 2 years old. Now I had 56 total accounts pre-split. They removed 12 accounts and enough soft inquiries to put the file back together again. I just haven't had the time or fight in me for this (see my thread deposition/discovery in small claims). I know that Psychdoc experienced a similar situation. There is a thread on it too. Good luck. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but be ready for a long, drawn out fight with EQ.
I believe we called the regular EQ number on the credit report 800-364-6924 and talked to the rep who answered. Sorry, but we didn't note the name. She said it would have to be handled by the "technical department" (exact quote) and would be forwarded to them, that we should hear from them by Monday. Our response was "that's fine, but this must be corrected immediately because we have to go back to the bank on Monday and they have to be able to pull the report." We also said that we had a friend who's file was split and that created a huge mess so they were not to split our file under ANY circumstances. We repeated ths about 3 times and asked her to be sure to note our file accordingly. Saturday morning, the same rep CALLED US to let us know it had been forwarded and should be fixed by the end of the weekend. Sunday it was done. The oddest thing for us was that unlike others have reported, there was NO CHANGE whatsoever in the report from before and after. No softs removed, nothing else removed, bumpage continued as normal. DemPooches
I had a similar problem about 3 weeks ago. They said my file was too big. But, they also said you are allowed 54 lines for tradelines, and if you exceed that, your file is too large. It is 1 line per trade line. I had 24 tradelines. They actually told me it had nothing to do with inq's. But, 6 days later when I was able to pull my report again, 43 inq's had been removed. I called them everyday pushing them to get it fixed now. If you don't get a satisfactory answer, call back and ask for a super.
Just got off the phone again "sorry sir there is nothing we can do, we have to wait until our technical department resolves this issue....blah blah blah.. Im pulling my hair out" I work years to get my credit back and when i finally have decent scores.. No one can pull my report.. Holy bejesus.. Years of high rates. 1000's of dollars. Years of being denied credit. 24 tradelines. 167 inquiries. Years of frustration anguish and pain. priceless.
ummm.. i just tried again... anybody have that name of the girl over at equifax.. Janice Holland.... was that her name..????? Kev
Yes, I believe her email address is Here is some other contact information posted by Butch. -Peace, Dave