I just got off the phone with a manager for Equifax Online Services who confirmed for me that a recent error I received online has blocked my access since 8/17 and was generated because of two issues: 1) my file was split, and 2) there is a "do not combine" warning on my file. The error I received in CreditWatch was: INTERNAL INTERVENTION RESULT: FORMC ORDER STATUS: AU EVAL CODE: NULL He advised me to call my local affiliate to have the "do not combine" warning removed and to call him back when that was done. (Why I should have to do his homework for him is another issue I didn't explore for parsimony's sake.) He then started to sell me on why a split file may actually be a good thing from my standpoint (sheesh). Finally, he said that in September the soft inquiry issue will end forever because CreditWatch will no longer incur any more inquiries at all. "We didn't anticipate the number of people who would pull their reports every day," he said. I then called the local affiliate. The woman was SURPRISINGLY nice. She said between now and Friday she would remove a slew of soft inquiries AND remove the "do not combine" warning AND recombine the files. She also said that she did this for someone else last week, and that she has heard other complaints about the problem. Next I called the Equifax guy back and told him what the affiliate said she would do, and he seemed pleased. "Call me back after she's finished, we'll get you back up and running, and you shouldn't have any more problems." Moral of the story: 1) Bumpage won't happen for me. 2) Hopefully my file will get straightened out without too much trouble. 3) Bumpage may stop for everyone if they handle the soft inquiries differently beginning next month. That's the end of my sad tale. I was so close to a hard-inq bumpage (9 days), but alas it wasn't to be. Doc
Condolences, Doc. I sense your pain! You worked hard for that bumpage and all you got was a split file! At least you are on the road to recovery. When my file was split, it took 5 months and a lawsuit to get it put back together again. CSC and Equifax just pointed fingers at each other. CSC owned my file. Equifax created the soft inquiries so CSC couldn't remove them. CSC couldn't put the file together because they couldn't remove EQ inquiries. It was a circular nightmare. I am finally whole again! I also got a year's free subscription to Credit Watch which didn't compensate me at all for my aggravation. For that rep to tell you a split file is good is just nuts. They can't score a split file. If a lender requests your file, they have to know that it is split and request both parts. You can' t access your file online anywhere. It is just a mess. I'm glad you worked it out. Actually, you got off pretty good. Did you ever decide how many inquiries it took to begin to bump off the old ones? I can't get an answer on this. I have 135 and I am scared of another split file. i don't know how much further I am willing to push it.
My heartfelt condolences Doc. That really sucks. If they do stop the soft inq's in Sept. I hope I can squeeze my last two hards off before then. Hey, who knows Doc, when you are up and running again, it may still work.
Cheer up, Doc! You're still a young whipper snapper. Maybe there will be more bumpage in your future!
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp Shucks, LKH and Lisa, thanks for the cheering up. Lisa, I was on the verge of figuring out the math of this thing, but they've cut me off. I think you have to add up the number of tradelines and hard/soft/PRM/AU inquiries, and then subtract that from a constant (which I didn't quite determine). Then from that, figure out the number of days until your first one-year-old PRM inquiry. That's the day in the future where bumpage will NOT happen AFTER you've reached the required number for bumpage to happen. Then bumpage resumes the next day. Anyway, I know all of this sounds convoluted, but since I didn't get to where I thought I was going, LOL, I'm giving up the math for another exercise in futility. Anyway, I'll update this thread vis-a-vis what happens on Friday with my file. I've got my fingers crossed. Doc
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp Yeah, Doc, it is that constant that has me stumped. Thanks for the explanation though.
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp If BUMPAGE stops...what else is there to do??? A BUMPAGE a day keeps the BLUES away... A SPLIT FILE makes it NO LONGER 100% COMPLETE nor 100% ACCURATE!!!
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp --not trying to hijack this, but it seems similar to my problem-- is this why my disputes never show up on credit watch? because I have to go through CSC for disputes? I keep getting tossed back and forth between CSC and Equifax. pretty stressful having disputes on CSC's version of my report, and nothing noting disputes on my Equifax report.
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp Doc, I'm truly sorry 'bout your tragedy. Maybe you could prescribe Equifax some Thorozine, Prozac, Xanax, Pepcid, Bacardi, or whatever the preferred treatment is these days for Chronic Split File Disorder. Maybe Equifax just needs a sympathetic someone to talk to...It must be awfully lonely for them up there on the mountain...Maybe hemlock tea is what they need.
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp DOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surely you of all people would know what is bound to happen while practicing unsafe bumpage! Didn't Ma Doc tell you about the birds and the bees? LMAO and passing you a CRA-rated condom, fushia even with an extra coating specially designed to withstand CRA endurance and stamina ;-) NEVER believe those CRA's when they tell you they are on birth control. Sassy
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp I thought that died in the late 70's!!! Then again, The Electric Slide and The Macarena look alot like The Hustle to my un-expert eye. Just need an Indian Chief and a Construction Worker, and we're all set. We'll call it The Chronic Split File Runaround. Or not.
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp That really sucks about the inquiries. I guess no more 45 day inquiry deletions. I had 2 that I was counting on getting deleted. Doc, we need your magic on EQ!!! Charlie
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp LOL... I love it, you guys are onto something. Clearly, Equifax epitomizes pathology -- probably Antisocial Personality Disorder. It's downright sociopathic to take your money for something that's impossible to deliver. I'm sure the lawyers among us have a more precise clinical description for what they're doing. Doc
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp It is clear to me that they are aliens, and have entrenched themselves in our society in order to bring it down, so they can conquer us. Splitting our files is only the beginning! They themselves have lured us into this trap for that exact purpose! I'm sure you can tell that these creatures are reptilian, and could not possibly be human. Seriously, I have not ever discussed this with you, Doc (as our resident therapist), but I can say that my own therapist actually gave me the aluminum hat to wear for occasions like this. They are out to get us!!
Has the splitting of files only been with people who must use affliates? It seems to me I have only seen it mentioned for people who use CSC or at least not Equifax directly? Does that mean I am safe? I've had two bumpage and have stable at 147-149 inqs with promotions and softs only.
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp I have to use CSC too. I don't have that problem. Click on the "Credit Information" tab. Pick an account that you have in dispute and click on "Details". Does it say "Reinvestigation in Process"? If not, there is no dispute going. It it does, EQ recognizes it as well. I have never had that problem. In fact, I had a dispute finish at CSC yesterday. I pulled my report on credit watch yesterday around 9 a.m. I found out that CSC had finalized it by 2:00 p.m. I reran my report and 4 items had been deleted. I think the two systems are pretty close.
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp Hi, I am trying to get well-versed in Creditnet-lingo. I did a search for "bumpage" and nothing really explained what it was. Can someone help me here and tell me what "bumpage" means and is? Gratefully, Della
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp Della, Run a search on "Equifax + Bumpage" There are several threads detailing this. In a nutshell, a way to get inquiries "bumped" off of your CR. It requires diligence, patience, and some undefined "constant". It may be too late though. See above.
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp I'll believe no more bumpage when I see it. Still happening for me, so far. 6 softs added, 6 softs deleted so far this week. I need to go til Sept 18 before I get more real bumpage.
Re: Bumpage tragedy: my file was sp Update. I never called back the affiliate lady on Friday (but I'll do it on Monday). However I was able to pull my report via CreditWatch, so I called the fellow at Equifax Online Services in the afternoon. He said, "Let me take a look at your account," and then he said, "Wow, you're file is still split, but they did take off the 'do not combine' note, which is why you were able to pull your file." He added, "They simply moved a bunch of inquiries over to your second report in addition to a few old accounts that don't impact your report any." So I told him I'd call the local lady on Monday morning to try to get it straightened out. Bottom line: My FICO was 787, and now it's 769. Those "old accounts that don't impact your report any" must be the reason. Doc