We are dealing with the OC, not a CA, so the rules may be different, but I think that this company is behaving unethically. I would like to be able to list our their violations, but I am not sure what law if any is being violated here. DH signed a contract for his business. The leasee is the company name, but the signature is his. The contract has business name, tax id, etc. DHs name and info, including ssn, are on the form, but he is not listed as a personal guarantee, or anything like that. Now there is a collection in his credit from this company. There are a couple other things that I'm sure are violations and I will just have to look up myself. I was doing OK with these people until they sent a completely bogus letter "confirming" their phone conversation with DH (they talked to me) and his promise to pay $X amount (did not know the amount or even imply that I would pay, just asked for a copy of the contract). Thanks for the info! Even one violation would be more than we owe on this, and I acknowledge that even though we were stupid we are ethically obligated to uphold a contract we (he) signed.
I don't know much about business credit, so I don't really want to make any statements about that. But this is a very good example of why we say NEVER talk to a CA about anything. Is this really the OC, or the collection division of the company, which may in fact be a CA.