Business Corp question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sbdmom, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. sbdmom

    sbdmom Well-Known Member

    O.K. I started a corporation in 2006 for my crafting business. I am in a position now where I am getting divorced. I need to make more income.
    I am looking into other work where I would be an independant contractor or independant sales rep etc.

    Many companies are asking for either my SSN or EIN.

    Can I have different "business ventures" under one Corporation name ?
    Its already set up..I have some credit accounts already...


  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Maybe . . . but all of your accounts and applications must either be tied to: 1) your EIN; and/or, 2) your SSN.

    In other words, you can establish credit in the business name but, you cannot typically obtain normal lines without a PG. You will need to secure the accounts with your personal credit reports.

    That said, you can get business lines for whatever reason . . . they just need reflect expenditures for a business purpose.
  3. enigma

    enigma Well-Known Member

  4. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    You can have other "venture" under a corporation, but be careful. What did you list as the business purpose of the corp.? Most filings list the purpose in very vague terms for this reason.

    If you want to run this through your corp (the income), then I recommend using the EIN, to keep it "clean". Usually an EIN is obtained when filing for a corp. Are you sure you do not have one?
  5. Hedwig

    Hedwig Well-Known Member

    If you have employees or have filed taxes, you should have an EIN. It's the taxpayer ID number and, as bizwiz said, it's usually issued when you incorporate.
  6. sbdmom

    sbdmom Well-Known Member


    yes I have an EIN number. My business purpose is for retail. I just want to run the additional income through the corp. I still have so much to learn about taxes..

    But if my retail corp is for selling candles/soaps..
    as I inderstand it, if I start selling vitamins as an independnt sales rep for a company, I can give them my EIN number and just do both under the would both still be retail.

    I WANT my corp to show profit.

    What tax form do business issue if I give the companys a EIN vs a SSN ?


    Any good websites some one can suggest so I can learn more about this stuff ?

  7. Oracle

    Oracle Banned

    As long as your corporate papers say the purpose is retail sales of merchandise, or stated in broadly enough terms to include your intended new products, you will be covered by the corporate statement of purpose. You may, however, be governed by state restrictions based on specific, regulated products; you will need to check that out.

    I would not think there would be that much scrutiny from a tax standpoint into what exactly you are selling, as long as it is at retail.
  8. bizwiz41

    bizwiz41 Well-Known Member

    I'm betting your corporate purpose is much broader than this. If an attorney drafted the articles, then they are usually pretty broad, like "engage in commerce".

    You can give them the EIN, but you must list "yourself" as the corporation name, or your name "DBA Corporation XYZ".

    This gets a bit tricky now, it will depend upon how you set yourself up with the new company. If your corp, "sells the service of providing sales efforts or salespeople, then your corp would invoice your "customer" for the services. So, you may not get anything from the company, or you may get a 1099 form for the "income" to your corp. This gets complicated if this new "income" is based upon commission.

    You should probably check out the IRS website first. Then you should review your states Small Business Association website. Also take a look at the SCORE website for resources in your area. There are some states that have depts/areas just for women in business also.

    If you are the "sole owner" as a woman, you may want to look into sales to governments (Fed, State, local) if the product is applicable. All government purchases include "set asides" for minority owned businesses.
  9. flacorps

    flacorps Well-Known Member

    A corporation can have multiple lines of business, and if the corporation uses its own name there's nothing else it needs to do, as long as the new activity wouldn't be "ultra vires" with respect to the corporation's charter (in that case, amend the charter).

    If the corporation uses a different name to do the different business ... it typically needs to file a fictitious trade name.


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