Great Forum lots of information, but I'm having trouble finding information about a credit card company trying to collect on me for a business card. I was an employee who was issued a company credit card for business purposes (purchases for company business). I left the company 23 months ago turned in keys and cc. Eight days ago ccc calls me and wants to collect from me this debt, company has quit paying on the card back in Dec. 07. Few days later they call me up trying to set a payment plan with me. All the while I am explaining that this is a corporate card and not mine, I was issued the card with my name on it as authorized to purchase, got transferred to several departments. Business card services listened and said they would get back to me within 48 hours, that didn't happen so I called them back. Was told I was liable for the charges pay up. I am lost and confused, what can I do? Is this just a ploy to get me to agree to pay and take responsibility for the debt. I pulled my equifax report, card does not show there. Sounds like the company was paying on the card, does that show proof that they are resonsible for the debt. I contacted old company and it sounds like they are going under and they said they would contact ccc to make sure I was not liable for the charges. Once again should I be worried anything I can do? Thanks