Business Credit, The Backdoor Appro

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by WestCap, Nov 25, 2001.

  1. WestCap

    WestCap Active Member

    Hello Again,
    I again apologize for the delay in responding to the questions and issues raised on this board.

    Le me say that the nethods that I describe here are intended to assist legitimate companies overcome senior management's personal credit issues. The methods clearly are not a wanton step by step procedural way to screw the creditors.

    This is NOT file segregation.

    I have received over 25 requests from each of you requesting personaland corporate assistance or conference calls regarding this issue. As of this time, I am unable to take any new private clients due to my current travel and training schedules...but

    The base rate is $15000.00 payable in advance via bank wire and this is not even slightly negotiable.

    If you are interested and are willing to pay the cash then send me a private e-mail explaining WHY I should take your case and we may be able to squeeze you in.

    This is a hot topic and I want you all to be successful! This offer is for those of you who are making tye cash, have the 15K and do not want to deal with the issues in setting all of this up.

    It if all legal and we have attorney letters on file confirming that everything that is done is legal and in full compliance to code.

    You will be given a personal team dedicated to your matters. Included, will be your own private attorney that will litigate to protect your interests if needed.

    In conclusion, let me say that the power of business credit is absolutely incredible and when planned and organized in the correct way, you can purchase autos and even homes without regard for your personal credit situation.

    Before you e-mail me asking for my help, please understand that this is not an overnight program and you will be required to work your ass off. This is not a free ride. We expect you to have a C Coproration setup in one month, a telephopne line in the biz name and a business address.

    The only contract you will receive is a confidentiality agreeement. If you are or become too "high maintenance" our fees will be double.

    You are also required to watch the movies Wall Street and The Boiler Room prior to becomming a client.

  2. slppryslp

    slppryslp Well-Known Member

    I contacted westcap for an information exchange and he set up a time to conference call with him. I gave hime my phone number and an alternate call time just in case. He never called at the appointed times nor responded after I emailed him again. Being busy is a poor excuse for poor business practices. Anyways this board is for helping each other, not lining this guys pockets and I think with a bit more searching and experimenting on the internet we can find the info we need.

  3. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    CreditWorks, LLC is a subcharter S corp. Like I said in previous posts, one can establish a business for very little money. In New Jersey, it costs us less than $200 to incorporate and less than $100/yr to maintain. We have built credit to close to $100,000 and the company was started with loans, so the company was built on credit and continues to operate on credit. We cannot emphasize enough the benefits a of business for tax purposes.
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I completely agree. If he wants to "give" his info, fine. But to come on here and ask for $15,000 per is a little off handed. Maybe if he charges that much, instead of soliciting, he should BUY and ad. Isn't that what everybody got on BBauer about?
  5. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    $15000? For what? Watch Boiler Room? Right there tell's me something isn't right. If anybody wants to set up a legitmate business I will happy to tell you what forms you need to file with the IRS and how to contact your state's Business Licensing Department. As Credit Works said it is not expensive to start up a business, but there are tax implications involved. You must register with the IRS and setup a FIN for your business and register with your's state's State Corporation Commission. If you have employees you also need to set up Unemployment Benefits with your state's Employment Commission. There is also tax withholding and FUTA. It's really not that hard just time consuming.

  6. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    I recommend no employees. Use consultants, they are reliable and work or don't get paid. I know, I am one.
  7. susitna

    susitna Well-Known Member

    Anyone interested in doing what is being SOLD here had better contact an attorney in their own state before sending any money.

    1) If you set up your own S corp or LLC you had better understand tax implications and have a legitimate business.

    2) You also need to understand what "piercing the corporate veil" means and realize you just can't set this up and forget about it.

    3) You can find the same information in your library and learn to set these entities up yourself without paying 15K.

    4) I have a business that I formed into an LLC, I had an attorney do all the paperwork and it only cost me around $1,100.

    5) Other than gas cards and department store cards, I have never been able to get credit in only the business name, I have always had to sign a PG.

    6) If you try to apply for a vehicle loan using your llc or corp you better be prepared to have two years tax returns and a current financial statement.

    7) If you lie on any financial application YOU WILL go to jail, and your corporate protection disolves.

    8) Unless you are a big well known corp you will never ever get a mortgage with business credit.

    Starting a business for the shear sake of obtaining credit is not only stupid, it's illegal.

    This is the wrong way to go about rebuilding or establishing credit. If you are looking for asset protection you need to look at forming a living trust.
    This will provide you the same protections and will do so legally.
  8. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    I'll say it again. CreditWorks, LLC is a subcharter S corp. It was established in May 1996. My sister did all the paper work to incorporate the company, she is not a lawyer, she just got the forms from the State of New Jersey filled them out and that was it. We had an accountant for the first 2 years, since then we have been doing the rest with quicken and turbotax. No employees, no taxes to withhold. Company was established with a loan for a little over $30,000 from credit cards. That was the initial operating capital. As those who know about CreditWorks' know, we pay 19.47% APR on loans, so that loan was the first one to be paid. We now have paid on 88 loans for a total close to 1.5 million. All with credit, all for less than $200 to start and less than $100 a year to the state of N.J.
  9. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    I paid $85.00 to the state and did my own filing for my LLC. It was very simple. I then called the IRS and requested my EIN# and received it immediately. This took all of 48 hours from the privacy of my own home. Creditwork, can you please explain exactly what you do as I may be interested in your services?
  10. WestCap

    WestCap Active Member

    Holly Cow!

    Look Guys... forget the previous post! It is not important to me.

    I suggest that everyone do things their own way and just ignore the prior post!

    From now on... We will watch by the sidelines...
  11. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    I think he's a little pissed off LOL!!
  12. Brenda

    Brenda Well-Known Member

    How about some tips on how to make a Co Legal. I just said I made a few plays,video and call it a production , but everyone work for free. Now I want it to make money, will pay people. The film I am doing will be for the big screen. Should I sole proprietorship, S corp. And do NJ business has to register business if the use their name?
  13. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    If you have any questions or concerns as to what CreidtWorks does, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or yahoo instant messenger. We are on cdlconsultants most of the time.
    There is a link on our website that indicates when we are on.
  14. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

  15. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Herb has been a member here since this boards creation. He is an upstanding person and businessman and is not engaged in fraud as your post seems to insinuate. In fact, I can tell you that several board members have done business with Creditworks and have never had a problem. I think you owe an apology.
  16. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  17. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    I apologize profoundly, I googled before I goggled !
    My own personal distaste for consumer credit counseling services,debt consolidation into mortgage loans, and companies that rely on marketing memberships to market memberships to market memberships, clouded my usual fair judgment, I guess that anything that gets the Fedral Govt. to participate (Freddie Mac)
    must be 120% AOK. Now if FreddieMac would just participate in funding low cost mortgages for Habitat houses, I would aplogize even more !
  18. WestCap

    WestCap Active Member

    Ok.. I said that I was going to sit by the sidelines...but this is an exception.

    Let me ask you... Why is it that anyone that posts to this board that has "above and beyond" information that can help you...or has established themselves in the credit community in a way that can bring you and your families "to the next level" such as Herb or Bill Bauer, that you cast stones?

    I have been watching this board for over a year and I did not even say a word until after I watched for six months.

    I created this thread because many of you CHOOSE to e-mail, call and write to me asking for assistance. Many of you have received homes, cars and large items as a result of your association with myself and my team.

    It is no secret that the reason that this board works is because there is a wide diversity of opinion and positions being expressed by each member of the community. Some of you have set up companies that really help people and others have not done so well.

    I can assure you that no person or company is perfect. Lets all agree that the subject of credit is a difficult and trying one at best that is constantly in a state of change. I feel that just because someone took a risk and worked with ONE PERSON in ONE STATE (Pa.) and ultimately became the of an injunctive order in ONE state.... does that make them a bad person?

    No. This member of the community has value. Look at his posts. I suggest that we all try and look at the good.

    I understand that there are idealists that desire to use this forum as a simple "community neighborhood forum". That is great, but I would ask everyone to take a second to look (historically)at how each and every person whom has participated on this forum whom has demonstrated "extraordinary insight" into the credit world. How have they been treated?

    No matter how hard you try, there is always going to be those who feel that they have the magical "solution" to the problems that you are facing. Every time that you push a person away whom has the knowledge and expertice to assist you and your families, you scream and push them away! Is this accomplishing anything?

    Every single person who participates on this board is here for one of two reasons, for personal knowledge enhancement or to see how others are resolving their problems and issues or as a member of the credit community who WANTS TO and CAN help you with your issues.... if you will let them.

    Believe it or not...many participants of this site are educated professionals who make in excess of two hundred thousand dollars per year. There are attorneys, doctors, actors and executives that simply can not or will not take the time and effort to read each and every post on an hourly basis to get the latest inside scoop on what Mr. Cooke at Capital One is doing today. Simply said...they do not care and they want nothing but results.

    To those people, posts such as the one that I noted earlier today simply make sence. It is a way to escape the problems associated with actions that they engaged in in an earlier point of their life when they were not affluent.

    Imagine how you would feel if you made a quarter million dollars per year and could not even get a 500.00 credit card.

    ... Just a thought
  19. Why Chat

    Why Chat Well-Known Member

    I agree with almost all that has been said about the value of diverse opinions. However, when anyone posts to this (or any other board) and uses the forum as a vehicle to solicit business for their own enterprise,I consder it as a breach of good faith.It is not the point of how good a guy someone is, or the value of their advice,and both can be without any fault,it is the co-opting of the forum for personal commercial gain that I consider to be no better than spam, and an abuse of the trust they have earned.
  20. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I have read 100% of posts since before DAY ONE...I don't remember telling people "IT'S MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY"----->like you know who...

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