Busting a VISA merchant

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Hope, Mar 21, 2002.

  1. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    I know I read it here, but I just can't find it by searching.

    There's a local merchant that's been violating VISA's "no minimum charge amount required" plicy for about a year now.

    They post a big sign on the counter stating "Minimum of $40 for Credit Cards". Last night while picking up a take-out order, I witnessed for the umpteenth time a fellow patron get turn away to pick up his order because of this blatant violation.

    I believe someone posted a phone number or something on here during a discussion to call to report violators.

    Anybody got that info handy, please?

    Thanks! (I'm on a mission today!)
  2. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    I wasn't aware that was a violation. Last I knew there were several merchants in may area that posted there was a minimum amount for credit card purchases. You definitely need to put the number to report up.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

  4. Gregory

    Gregory Well-Known Member

    It is a violation for the merchant to have a minimum amount before they will charge the card. You can call VISA at 1-800-847-2311.
  5. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member

    Is this true for all areas? The two gas stations I use here in MA have large signs that say $10 minimum for all credit card transactions.

  6. matt_r

    matt_r Well-Known Member

    Per Visa General Rules: Operating Regulations:


    A merchant must NOT:

    -Establish a minimum or maximum Transaction amount as a condition for honoring a Visa Card, Electron Card, or Visa Electron Card.
  7. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    Do they have pay at the pump capability? What are they going to do when a self-pay person only puts in $2 worth of gas? Charge her $8?

    From what I understand, you can point out to them that their minimum purchase requirement violates their contract with Visa or Mastercard International. Assuming they take don't you seriously, you could also point out that they could have their merchant account revoked if enough people complain....and you have 2,000 friends on the internet who WOULD complain!
  8. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Yes, it's a violation of VISA policy everywhere.

    I just called that number above and they gave me VISA's fraud division at 1-800-847-2911 which handles this.

    The lady took the complaint over the phone (I had the merchant's buisness name, address and phone number from there take-out menu) and she entered it into the company.

    She verified that indeed this is a violation of VISA policy and told me that VISA would send notice to the merchant immediately that they had been ["busted" and "ratted out"].

    VISA will also send me a letter verifying their action within 10 business days.

    Phew! I feel better now. I know it cost the merchant a percentage to accept credit cards, but this ISwhat they've agreed to in their contract with VISA in order to have the convenience of accepting credit card pay, thereby broadening they're customer base.

    The percentage is a "cost of doing business" and is a business expense write-off on their tax returns. So I don't feel sorry for them that their about to get called on the carpet.


    P.S. The CS also pointed out that I could report this to the issuing bank for my VISA card (In my case CitiBank). But I pointed out to here that the next person calling in to report these violations may not be a VISA card holder, but just a good semaritan and did VISA really want to turn them away and loose the opportunity to bust a merchant?

    She agreed!
  9. Jamee25

    Jamee25 Well-Known Member

    That 800# given is for Visa International, but there is a separate # for reporting merchant violations. I am not at work today or tomorrow, but Saturday I can get it and post it Sunday. (I have it at my desk)

    Its also a violation when the merchant charges you a surcharge to use the card there. Those are the two common violations a lot of merchants are guilty of. (Usually smaller companies, like mom and pop shops, but not always) its disgusting. They could be fined and/or lose their priveleges to accept visa/mc in their store, and they should be reported.

    I'll post the # this weekend if no one else has it in the meantime.

  10. Jamee25

    Jamee25 Well-Known Member


    It looks like we were posting at the same time, Im glad the Visa international # worked, too. I hope they get fined. They think they can get away with this, and that its ok, but most consumers are smarter than this, and will report them. Good going!

  11. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Hi Jamee,

    Post that number you have this weekend please. Like I said, I didn't get directly through to VISA, so I suspect your number is the more direct approach.
  12. Jamee25

    Jamee25 Well-Known Member

    Ok, I'll do that. I work nights, and Im off today and tomorrow, so it'll be sunday before I can post it.

  13. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    My favorite Chinese restaurant does that...Should I report them? If they get shut down, what will I do on the few days a month I allow myself junk food? hehehe
  14. arobinson

    arobinson Well-Known Member

    It's also against regulations to require ID as a condition of accepting a card, unless the electronic approval mechanisim, suggests check id, in the case of a suspected fraud transaction.

    I had this problem with Wal-Mart over the holidays, they made EVERYONE SHOW PICTURE ID with their credit card, and I busted them!! VISA even sent me a letter stating that it was against regulations!

    Needless to say, I took this letter to Walmart every time I went!
  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    It is a VIOLATION of VISA/MC policy to make a MINIMUM CHARGE AMOUNT~~~it also VIOLATES some STATE laws!!!!

    Get the name, address, phone #, their bank name and send the information to VISA and/or M/C.
  16. Bill B

    Bill B Well-Known Member

    The package store here in Ma has a $20.00 minum ANd the Bait/Gun store charges an extra 15% if you use Credit Cards..
  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  18. Ozzyburger

    Ozzyburger Well-Known Member

    Too cool! Wal Mart ALWAYS does that to me and it bothers me to no end - especially when they tell me it's not my signature - like they are versed in handwriting analysis. Next time I will report them too...

  19. Maer

    Maer Well-Known Member

    Does anybody know if this applies to MasterCard as well? That is all I have unfortunately. Wal-Mart, Target and the grocery stores always ask me for I.D.
  20. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Yes, it applies to MasterCard as well. The merchants are not allowed to ask for ID UNLESS, the automated or live customer service requests it for fraud prevention.

    And most stae laws now (including Texas) also prohibit this ID practice.

    So go ahead and bust them!

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