CREDIT-CARD SIGNATURE Usually all the ID Needed When you pay for merchandise with a Visa card, MasterCard, or American Express any store that accepts these cards should accept yours too, no questions asked. It's part of the deal that merchants agree to when they become participating members. They must check your signature and the card - electronically or by telephone - to be sure it's valid. Once the answer comes up yes, they can to ahead and charge. They can't ask you for any further identification - not a license plate number, Social Security number, proof of address, phone number, or picture ID. Your personal ID isn't needed because Visa, MasterCard, and American Express all guarantee payment on cards that have been properly checked. If the issuer mistakenly authorizes a sale on a bad card, it should make good. MasterCard says that merchants receive instant settlement. Unfortunately, not all merchants play by the rules. Some, apparently, haven't read them. In one case, a MasterCard was used to purchase gas. Both the clerk and the manager insisted on taking the man's license plate number, even though he told them it wasn't necessary. When the man wrote to the MasterCard complaining about the incident, he got a letter back suggesting that the merchant was within his rights. "It is the merchant's choice to verify or not verify the card holder." the executive specialist wrote. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, says a spokesman for MasterCard headquarters in New York. The contract that MasterCard merchants sign specifically prevents them from asking for personal ID. The card holder's signature on the back of the card is the only ID necessary - even if the merchant has some reason to be suspicious. "Basically, this clerk was hassling this card holder," the representative said. You can be asked for ID only if you proffer a card that isn't signed on the back. Then the merchant can ask for identification and require you to sign the card immediately. A merchant can ask for your address when you order by telephone. There it's used to authorize the card, absent a signature. What You Can Do MasterCard wants to hear about merchants who break their rules. Send the name and address and an account of what happened to MasterCard International, c/o Radio City Station, P. O. Box 1288, New York, NY 10101. The merchant's bank will get a stiff letter, ordering it to investigate and bring the offending store into line - or pay a $2,000 fine. Visa enforces the same rules as MasterCard. "When we hear about a violation, we ask the bank that signed the merchant to get together with the merchant and see that the practice is stopped," Visa representative states. To report a merchant, send a letter to the bank that issued your Visa card. American Express also prohibits merchants from asking for IDs. "All a merchant is supposed to do is take an imprint, make sure the signature matches and swipe the card through the terminal, to get authorization." American Express spokesperson said. Another Rule Ignored - Must Purchase so Much to use Card Another rule that merchants often ignore: They don't let you use a credit card unless your purchases exceed a certain minimum, like $25. That, too, is prohibited. A store may ignore you when you protest - but now you've got their number. You can report them and let their banks force them back into line. But American Express does allow the store to set a minimum purchase, as long as the same minimum extends to other cards the merchant takes. (If the store also takes MasterCard and Visa, there's effectively no minimum for anyone.) CREDIT INFORMATION The Indiana Department of Financial Institutions, Division of Consumer Credit regulates Indiana consumer credit laws and has credit related information available: Call our toll-free number or write to the address below for a copy of any of our brochures or for further consumer credit information. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Consumer Credit Division 402 West Washington Street, Room W066 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 317-232-3955 Toll Free in Indiana 1-800-382-4880 THAT WILL BE 2 F.I.C.O. POINTS FOR MY RESEARCH...IT'S BASED ON FACT...EVEN IF IT IS NOT "OFFICIALLY" FROM VISA/MC
...OR MAYBE might be a "LOCAL" thing OK'D by the DM or REGIONAL VP... I "might" be stepping on some toes??? You can still write VISA/MC... Keep a copy of your letter in your wallet...and pass them around to your friends and co-workers...
George! You are a search engine guru!!! Thank you. I'm running a little low on FICO points right you take credit?? <g> I just penned my letter and will be sending it shortly. Here is another site I found regarding this. This has a direct quote from Visa and MC regarding this issue. Thanks again, George! =-) Ozzy.
You get a limit increase for me on my MBNA and we will call it even... ...or get TARGET VISA to give me 9.90%...
Thanks George!!! ST# 1899 OP# 00002960 I take it you work for Walmart?? Ooops, I wrote this prior to reading your next post. Sorry. If I Planetfeedback them a complaint do you think they will care?????
WAL*MART does not respond to 3rd party letters...(PFB)...I can't say they ignore them...they just don't respond (SO MANY PEOPLE SAY, WHO RESPOND ON PFB)
Our Wal-Mart is notorious for discontinuing things and I have been told by the employees to call a 1-800 number direct to Bentonville Wal-Mart has excellent customer service satisfaction
FOR ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW??!?!?!?!!? THIS PERSON BASICALLY WANTS UNSIGNED CARDS FOR EVERYBODY AND THEN THE STORE COULD DEMAND EVERYBODY'S ID!!! I'LL PASS!!! ************************************************************* Credit Card companies and the SEE ID policy...or lack thereof.... To: MBNA I'm writing to alert you to a problem I've had with a credit card issued by you. My problem concerns overall experience. I hope by bringing this to your attention, the problem will be addressed. This incident has made me extremely upset. Here's what happened: The back of my credit card says, "Not valid unless signed." So, if I choose to write, "SEE ID" instead of signing the credit card, to FURTHER PROTECT MYSELF AND THE COMPANY, there are vendors who have standing NOT to accept my card. Here's what I want you to do: Remove that verbage and replace it with something that allows me to do either, sign the card, or write SEE ID. In the future, I probably will do business with you again. And I might recommend you to others. I appreciate your taking the time to listen to my complaint. I hope it can be addressed. From: Jason D. Marietta, GA
Click the link below to see the reply GEORGE is referring to:,00.html