Butch, template for letter?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by parithed86, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. parithed86

    parithed86 Active Member

    Hi Butch. jam237 says that you may have a letter that I can use as a template for some CO cards that I have.
    These cards have been long paid, yet they never have once reported accurately.
    They show as different on all three CRA.. some they are open, some closed. Some they show the DOLA as before the card was open.. some show as paid, some not.. they show different high credit on all three bureaus..
    One still showed as open and past due over a year after it was paid in full. One we got an alert on that there had been activity on a long dormant (closed) account. They had changed the DOLA to be 6 month younger than it was. This was the second time that this happend on this card.
    anyway,, I cant get these things fixed. I have disputed and disputed..I have called the OC and the CRA... they continually tell me that they see the errors and will fix them,, yet they never do.. I have copies of disputes results showing them more messed up than when I filed the dispute ( from a year ago) I have copies of almost daily credit reports showing how these accounts are never ever consistent let alone accurate.
    jam237 says you have a template that uses the "data furnisher is unreliable" method for getting these things deleted.
    Could you tell me where to find that? I would love to have these things out of my life finally.
    by the way, they are crap one accounts
  2. parithed86

    parithed86 Active Member

    Something new... as of yesterday, I notice that on DH Credit keeper reports ( these are his CO accounts we are talking about) they say his number one reason for score being lower is he missed 3 consecutive payments 141 times in the last 24 months!!
    He has missed NO payments in the last 24 months!!
    someone over at ART of Credit said that Crap one did this to her too!!
    I need these guys GONE today.. GONE not just marked as paid.
    Just figured up how much extra we have spent in the last 4 years along on extra interst charges and insurance payments because of poor credit and the amount is STAGGERING!!
    any help is more than greatly appreciated!

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