Frog 309 I seen in your post that you stated that you brought a house after paying off a few bill off your credit. Is this all you had to do. I talked with someone that said that that is all I will have to do to get approved for a loan. Did you get a good interest rate? Me and my husband plans to buy a house in Jan.2005, please help.
hi, i always thought that i had to have perfect credit to buy a house, holding out to buy until my credit was pristine. i finally called a mortgage broker, and found out i could do it. if you have a few (1-4) of bad marks on your credit report, it's not such a big deal. the key is to have 6 months to a year of good history ( to get the best intererest rate). even if you have to initially go with a higher interest rate, it's worth it to get your foot in the door. you can always refinance. i was blown away how easy it was to get approved for a home loan. if you would have told me a year ago that i would be a homeowner now, i would have told you you were nuts the best plan of action is to make a list of your worst accounts, and concentrate on those first (whether you want to pay them off, dispute, etc.). the key is taking action. i used a combination of disputes and paying off some of my hard to dispute accounts. it worked for me. it's a grat feeling of accomplishment. good luck.