Any suggestions on financing a new car while unemployed? I want to trade down to something more basic. My current car has a payoff that's right about the same as its value, so I'll be starting from scratch. How would YOU go about this?
I am not sure if it was Sam or DAVELV,but one of them got a new car loan without a employment verification check.
Are you just trying to unburden yourself from the car payments while you are unemployed? I'd try to get rid of the car and get the cheapest transportation possible until I had a job, at least. Walk, ride the bus, borrow a relatives extra vehicle. But that's just what I'd do.
i put down that i was employed , chase did not nor did dealer verify any sort of information other than: SSN#, DRIVERS LICENSE, Insurance card. Since we're such a small shop, i know if /when someone calls asking for me
In most cases the answer is no. But a couple of questions first. Are you a 700 on Equifax or TRW? Are you single or married? Is your wife working? Do you have a credit union? 700 is automatic approval most places, then all you have to do is have your wife on the deal or put your last job in. (if you feel comfy with that). The chances of them checking employment on an automatic approval is 2% approx. otto