C/A's must be bonded in TX!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LAT, Jan 2, 2002.

  1. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    This morning I called the Credit Consumer Commissioner for the state of TX. These people, in turn, gave me the number to call to see if the 4 c/a's I'm dealing with are bonded. ( In TX they have to be bonded to collect a debt. -10,000 bond-)
    Well out of the 4, 2 she could not find. Another's bond was up 2/19/02, and they have until that time to renew the bond. Lastly, the big one was but she had a different address/phone number.
    She told me that I should send a letter requesting proof that they are registered to collect a debt in the state of TX (Thank you LizardKIng). But just because she doesn't have the info infront of her doesnt mean they are not bonded, they might not of turned in the paperwork.
    So if anyone else is in this predicament, you might call your states's CRedit consumer commissioner and see what laws govern your C/A's!!!!
  2. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I'm in Texas too. I called and all but one of mine are bonded. The one that isn't is a paid collection. Is this a way to get it deleted?
  3. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    OH CHIT!!! I didn't ask about one of my collection agencies because its located in Texas. Guess what? I called back and they are not bonded. She said they have never had any record on this agency! I ask should they be attempted to collect a debt and she said NO! This company updated my CRA regularly! It's a broken lease that is now 4 yrs old. I was considering payment for deletion or validation. But now this is new information. What should I do? Mr. Lizardking HELP!!!!
  4. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    Just called Attorney General's office. They said contact collection agency and tell them I know they are not bonded and ask them why they are attempting to collect. But I'd rather send them a certified letter that says:

    "I am aware that your organization is not bonded in the state of Texas as required by law to collect a debt. Therefore, please immediately remove any and all listings your company placed on my credit report with any credit reporting agencies. If the listing is not removed immediately, I am prepared to file a complaint with State of Texas Attorney General's office."

    How's that!
  5. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Kewl, I'm in Texas too. Where did you get the number to call and get the info? Is this only for CA's in Texas or any CA trying to collect a debt in Texas, must be bonded. I need info ASAP on this too.
  6. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    OK maybe I ought to send the following instead:

    " I recently became aware that your company has made an entry into my credit reports stating I owe a debt. I was totally shocked because I don't recall incurring this debt. To be sure that this was not some sort of hoax, I contacted the Texas Consumer Credit Commission and was told that your company isn't listed as a bonded and permitted to collect debts in Texas. They suggested I file a complaint but I did not since this is some sort of mistake. Please correct this mistake by having the listing removed from any all credit reporting agencies. I greatly appreciate your assistance.
  7. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    That sounds pretty good...now please give me the number to call...lol. Is it only for CA's in Texas or any that are trying to collect a debt in Texas? All my negatives are from CA's so I might can use this greatly to my advantage.
  8. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

  9. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I started digging online and found it...but thanks for the quick response. I hope you have better luck than me. Unfortunately all mine are bonded with active bonds, so no lucky streak today.
  10. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    I am all excited too. I hoped me posting that information would help somebody else. I'm sending estoppel letters this week to those I know are not bonded. please post any results so that we can help each other in this area!
  11. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    OK...you got it! I will keep you posted. Thanks for your valuable information!
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Were any of these ProCollect?
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    What if they are trying to collect outside of Tx. Do they still have to be bonded?
  14. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    You would have to call for your state. This is the information for Texas. However, I did find out this much...if they are from another state or country even and they send ONE thing or make ONE phone call to Texas, they must be bonded and current. If not they legally can NOT contact you and the lady said report them immediately as well as let them know they are in violation of the law in Texas. But what law? She didn't tell me.
  15. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    Okay here are all the texas laws governing the credit bureaus/ collection agencies:
    website www.occc.state.tx.us
    in the quicklink hit the drop down box and select
    statute and adm. rules. Then select registered c/a (I think) TX Credit title will show up. I downloaded section 342 (pdf file) but here is the specific law:

    Section 392.101 Bond Requirements
    A third party debt collector or credit bureau may not engage in debt collection unless the 3rd party debt collector or c/b has obtained a surety bond issued by a surety company to do business in this state as prescribed by this section. A COPY OF THIS MUST BE FILED WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE
    b) The bond must be in favor of
    1) any person who is damaged by violation of this chapter
    2)this state for benefit of any person who is damaged by violation of this chapter
    3) bond must be $10,000
    Lots of more in this article. Just letting Christi know the exact law!!
  16. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Thanks Lat...now I will know what I'm talking about..lol.
  17. Janet

    Janet Well-Known Member

    Christi, which website did you go to to look to see if the c/a's are bonded? I'm glad you guys found this out becuz I too live in Texas. Thanks

  18. Janet

    Janet Well-Known Member

    Sorry...Just saw that last post with the web address. Boy I feel stupid lol
  19. LAT

    LAT Well-Known Member

    Janet, I had to call the number to see if the c/a's I am dealing with are bonded. The website, I believe, just has TX laws in regard to pawn shops, debt collectors, etc. I think killer posted the number but here it is anyways: 512-475-0775 I was told
    3 different times her name (and still I am pronouncing it wrong!) nina, vina, I am not sure.
    her last name is weston.
    When I called she was out of the office but another lady helped me.
  20. Janet

    Janet Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much Lat. I'll try calling tomorrow.

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