C.H.O.D. Question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mediccc24, Dec 12, 2001.

  1. Mediccc24

    Mediccc24 Well-Known Member

    Well I send out my CHOD letters on the 7th.
    I sent them CRR. I have not received even 1 green card yet. Is this a normal time frame (considering we are around the holidays)? It usually wasn't much over 3 days when I was sending them out before.
    Just curious.

  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    I would have suggested submitting the disputes online because the USMAIL from your house to the CRA would be slowed due to Hoiday mail and you want the disputes to be at the CRA around the 7th (just opinion from board survey, no absolute dates are fact, just conjecture).

    However, that point is moot since you already sent them out via USMAIL. You should figure (if you get ANY certified receipts back at all) that it will take about 3 to 5 days to get the letter to the CRA (5 to 7 days with holiday lag time) then the receipt would take that same amount of time to be returned so a minimum of 6 mail days to a maximum of 14 mail days would be expected for the receipts to get to you...since you mailed them on the 7th you should get the receipts somewhere between December 15th and December 27th (counting Monday through Saturday and not counting the 25th and 26th for the holidays)...

    Therefore there is NO way you would have gotten the receipts back yet (relax a bit there) and you will get them back no earlier than Saturday the 15th (if that fast). Good Luck!

    -Peace, Dave

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    MONDAY the 17th is "pushing it"...
  4. Mediccc24

    Mediccc24 Well-Known Member

    Ok , well now I know for next year to send the disputes online. I've been doing all my work via USMail. I did this just to have the paper trail. Do you think my results will be worse than they would have been had I sent them Online?

  5. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    I did an online dispute last october without knowing anything and they removed 5 derogs.

    A little at a time.
  6. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    No, it is NOT that you should dispute online, it is just that you were a bit late this year to get them in ontime by sending them in USMAIL on the 7th...next year just send them in earlier by USMAIL. Paper trail is sometimes crucial, you did nothing wrong. Especially for the first round (CRR SNAILMAIL is best for paper trail)

    Also, I do NOT think your results will be WORSE, it is just that you may miss any benefits of the Holiday mail slowdown (if any exists).

    Hopefully you will not have any disputes at all in a year...your reports will be clean by then! Good Luck.

    -Peace, Dave

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