
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by EAGLE, Dec 4, 2001.

  1. EAGLE

    EAGLE Well-Known Member

    Has any one used this service?

    Do they treat credit card transfers as a purchase?
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    I believe Breeze said that the transaction will show up as a purchase. She was testing this to make certain though, and I have not heard the confirmation.

    -Peace, Dave
  3. donna8284

    donna8284 Well-Known Member

    I use there service all the time and yes they are treated as purchases
  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Hey, Wait!! Be careful here! The C2it TOS says that your card company determines how they treat it. Citi treats it as a purchase. Providian treats it as a cash advance - I have a few charges to prove it ;)

    I will try some others as I go along and let you know. If someone else has a zero balance on a card and wants to give it a try and post the outcome, that would be great. The minimum you can move is $1, the maximum is $1,000. $2,000 every 4 days.

    Also, it will trigger Citi's "early warning" system. PVN fraud prevention also called me. The accounts will be frozen until you respond. Expect it!
  5. donna8284

    donna8284 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Breeze for the correction!

    I was going to transfer money from Providian - good thing I didn't! :eek:)
  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Nope, not Providian, LOL! to try a card, you can do a $1 transfer. If you try one out, please post the results. This scould be another good resource, depending on how it's handled by the various CCC's.
  7. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    What triggers this, breeze? Does C2it freeze your account on EVERY transaction until you respond???

    I ask b/c I have C2it but I haven't used it yet.
  8. charlieome

    charlieome Member

    Citibank flagged my account after transferring $2,000 to C2IT - I had to call and verify it was me making the charges.

    C2IT flagged my account after transferring $3,000 to my bank account - I had to call and verify it was me.

    I have since transferred $2,000 more with no problems from Citibank to C2IT to my bank.

    Is it only on large transfers? Breeze why did they flag your account?
  9. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    The first one that called me with fraud alert was The CCC - Providian. C2it did not do anything on that one. 2 days later when I tried to move $10, C2it was triggered - I don't know on that one either. Maybe I didn't hold my mouth right (old joke).

    Both times it took more than one attempt to get the transaction to go through, so that might have been the thing that triggered it. Either way, just expect to have one or both accounts frozen, so you don't get taken by surprise. If the transaction appears not to go through, it really hasn't.

    With Providian, the computer states the transaction date and amount and you "press 1" if you made the transaction, with C2it, I had to talk with a CSR. She didn't know why either, but she said the C2it account was frozen - she released it.

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