CA and cease and desist letter.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by icanfixit, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. trent1059

    trent1059 Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    I read something similar, what it said in my book was once you send a C&D then the CA cannot contact you and therefore can not pursue the debt by letters and phone and will most times just send it back to the OC unless there is potential for a lawsuit and they usually do not file if the debt is small
  2. icanfixit

    icanfixit Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:

    That is how I understood it also, that the CA sends the debt back to the OC in most cases. When I heard about the book on the radio and the guy that wrote the book was talking about, that is the way he made it sound also.
  3. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    If the CA owns the debt they can't send it back to the OC; C& D or noC&D.
  4. trent1059

    trent1059 Well-Known Member

    so what do they do after a C&D if they own it? they are still a third party collector even if they buy the debt. if the amount is small is it worth it to sue? Whats next???inquiring minds want to know
  5. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    * I guess that is the CAs decision.
  6. trent1059

    trent1059 Well-Known Member

    what i was asking is if they can not contact you, other than a suit what can they do? we all know that they usually do not sue for small amounts. do they just sell it to another CA and we go through the same thing again over and over. seems to me just cut their losses and throw it away. give up and move to something easier. collectors do not seem to like to fight with smart creditors as it takes time they could be harrasing the uneducated. get the easy money and run
  7. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: CA and cease and desist letter.


    (Although there are a few who disagree).

    The statutes are quite clear.

  8. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*The book I read made it seem like once you send a C&D that the CA can't collect on the debt and only the OC can sue you.
    2*So if they don't send me any notification of the debt, they are in violation of the FDCPA?
    1*Tell me how the OC could sue you for a debt they don't own?????????????


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