We have a FCNB charge off Its showing on our reports as FCNB in collection and also with CA Midland Midland calls and wants to settle. I tell them I will only settle or pay if they completely remove it from both reports. he says they can't do it for FCNB but they will be notified that it has been paid then for me to dispute it with all CRA's and it is their practice not to challenge anything if it is paid and CA will remove in 30 days. Shoud I believe him??? get it in writing they won't dispute with CA's?? What if I do dispute with CAs and it's verified? Once FCNB has received notice its paid should I try to work with them to get it in paid as agreed status or call them now and tell them if I pay thats what I want from them? or dispute it too along with Midland?? They will come off in 2 years but I do believe in paying my debts but only if I can get it removed atleast with Midland Sorry so many questions but I have had no experience dealing with these CAs and would love to clear my report!
If it is not in writing they will screw you. If you settle also make sure it says that the amount you agree on wil settle the bill in full and it will not be sold or collected on again. I see time and time again people settle and then the CA sells the remaining debt to someone else. Make it clear to them- if it is not in writing then forget it. It sounds like the debt is 5 years old anyway and either past or nearly past the SOL anyway.
It is from 1997 so it is suppose to come off in 2004 I believe. Does anyone know the SOL for FL?? i tried searching this site but the search seems to be down Thanks for the advise