Just got a call at work by a CA. Can they legally pursue activities at work? I've just sent in a dispute letter on the account and haven't heard back yet, but I didn't think a CA could contact via employment. Thanks in adavance....
You have to tell them not to call you at work if you don't want them to. Do it in writing, CRRR. You might also notify them in writing to only communicate with you in writing, specifying the address to use. You might include that you have not received any information from them on your validation request, and are still waiting for their response.
Thanks, ontrack. I also just found out that this debt dates back to 1998 and is not listed on my credit report at all. I live in NY. If the Statute of limitations is up, should I still pay this debt of $200.00. It didn't affect my mortgage application a year ago... I think they just got recent information on my new job...
You should check, but I think the NY limit on posting negative tradelines is shorter than the usual 7 years. This may be past both the SOL and the CR limit. Even in other states it is near falling off reports. Since the CA would apparently have no leverage, how did they approach trying to collect from you? You might want to be very careful if you pay this to ensure that you don't end up creating a problem you don't otherwise have. First things first. Determine if the debt is even correct. There are no brownie points for paying someone else's debt, or more than you owe.
I was just reading the FDCPA and if you inform the CA that the calls at work are inconvenient, and they still call, that is a violation. Also, after reading the FAQ's this CA is violating by collecting a debt that is out of the SOL. From the past posts, a paid collection is just as bad as a unpaid one. Tell these people by letter to pound the sand and point out that with one more telephone call, you will have to sue them for each violation. This will help in furnishing your new house.