Today I received a letter back from the CA stating that they have validated the debt by doing the following: 1. Sent me an itemized bill from is the same one the un-licensed contractor gave me originally. (He never performed the services) It has only 3 lines of items no dates of services or back-up receipts. 2. Gave me the name and address of the OC which was not on the original "Dunning Letter" 3. CA Stated they called the OC and he stated the services were rendered and confirmed the debt was valid. 4. Also made some references to the FDCPA. Ok comments? > my next response should be to fire off validation letter number 2 and ask for???????? By the way the CA is not licensed or bonded in their state and needs to be in order to collect from me. I am not going to ask the CA for their license or bond YET I want them to respond to my second validation letter which I think they will just gives the AGs office one more collection violation for this non-licensed CA....... Is this strategy correct > I plan to litigate here if I can because venue should be in my home state. SKI
What references to the FDCPA? Are you trying to get this to be a FDCPA case so jurisdiction is in your state? What if it is not, because it is not a consumer debt, due to property being rental property? You may have to file suit in his state, and he may be depending on you not wanting to due to the cost from your not being there anymore. Do you still own the property? Or can you show the work was not done, by a simple photograph? Do you have a copy of your complaint to the AG? Does the AG's office indicate they are actively pursuing this case, for contracting without a license, or are you just hoping they do?
Hello Ontract, 1. Yes I still own the rental 2. The contractor never did the services on his bill that the CA has sent me> my tenants are whitness to that. 3. I have not filed against the unlicensed contractor YET... I wanted to see how this played out. 4. The CA is also unlicensed in the state of AZ ALSO they are trying to collect from me here in California. 5. The second letter is another violation of AZ CA license code per the consumer board I just called today to confrim. 6. The CA said they reviewed the situation per FDCPA and conformed to the code by sending me the above. What I am trying to do is bait the CA into sending me 3rd letter > Any comments strategy? Most in the BBs say if you are really out to get the OC and CA then sound silly BUT keep on asking for validation, and additional required a contract, paid amounts ect ect always with CMRRR Validation is not a verbal response from the OC nor is it a simple bill with a few itemizations on it > basically that is all they have so far. I want to get these people into court if I can> Strategy? > comments??? SKI
Frankly I do not see why you do not raise the key issues up front, particularly if you would have to raise them in court if it later went there. Otherwise, the CA can claim they had no knowledge of your dispute, and you are just trying to dredge up issues to avoid paying for his wonderful work. The illegal contractor already knows he is billing for work not done, but if you don't put the CA on notice, you basically let them off the hook. Something along these lines frames the issues as a matter of illegal contracting, public safety, settlement, and no legitimate remaining debt: 1) Unlicensed contractor offered to do a contracting job for the amount of $xxx, and represented that he was qualified to do that job. 2) His representation that he was qualified was deceptive since he did not hold a contractor's license, as required by AZ law for this kind and dollar amount of work. This is a violation of AZ Business and Professions code ....(or whatever), which requires that contractors must hold a valid contractor's license in order to legally accept jobs over $xxx. (Quoting and accepting a job that requires an AZ contractor's license, without holding one, is illegal. That undermines his right to hold you to the resulting "contract", as that would be contrary to public policy.) 3) He failed to complete the job, and performed parts in a substandard manner and in violation of code. The remainder of the job had to be completed by others, and some of his work had to be redone to ensure safety of tenants, and in order to conform to code (if this is the case). Since it has become apparent that he is unlicensed, and that his original representation was deceptive, he has no legal remedy to complete the job. (In order to mitigate losses, and meet his responsibilities for the safety of his tenants, and his obligations to his insurance company, client could not allow illegal contractor to perform any additional work.) 4) Despite his failure to complete the job to accepted standards, I presented an equitable offer to pay for work already completed. He accepted your offer, and cashed your check in accordance with that offer. (offer, acceptance, consideration: you have a contract) 5) Despite his acceptance of your settlement offer, he is now attempting to collect fraudulently for work not performed, and for a debt not owed. (Billing for the full amount of a job which was not completed, is fraudulent. Billing for any amount beyond accepted settlement is a breach of that agreement.) 6) I have filed a complaint with the AZ AG's office regarding this matter. (It is better to make this a fait accompli, not hold it as a threat to force a settlement. Ethically, you file complaints both to obtain a settlement of your own dispute, and as a public duty to report illegal behavior. Settling with you does not remove the ethical responsibility to report an unlicensed contractor who may cause further damage to others.) Since you still own the property in AZ, what is to stop him from suing you in AZ? Nothing, except that he probably still doesn't want this in court, for the reasons above. I am not an attorney. I think that people should meet their obligations, including compliance with the law.
As long as you just dispute the debt with the CA, and they send you almost anything from the OC in response to your dispute, and you leave it at that, they have probably met their obligations under FDCPA as they claim. You may want to frame their continued collection, including any negative CR TL, as either misrepresenting the legal status of a debt (supported by your settlement offer, and cashed check, which refutes the OC's bill), or as a continuation of the OC's illegal contracting, with the CA acting as OC's agent, possibly making them jointly responsible under AZ law. That would then support both sanctions by AZ, and FDCPA violations if they continue. To do that, they need to be provably on notice of both the settlement offer and acceptance/payment, and that the OC was acting as an illegal contractor. If it goes to court, their position is that they are just collecting on another unpaid bill, and they forwarded information from OC, as required by FDCPA. It is hard to hold them liable if you let them assume the OC's bill is legal.
Ontract the above is just EXCELLENT But here is my concern about being UPFRONT with this CA and OC 1. The OC ie unlicensed contractor is completely unethical he has done some other things I have not mentioned ............4 letter faxes to me AFTER he put the account into collection........getting a call from a "Dectective" that wanted to confirm my personnel financial items bank account ect ect> this is the OC or CA 2. The CA is not licensed or bonded and they have to be in AZ PERIOD. Both the CA and the OC are acting unethically and frankly will screw me anyway. Why smartin them up by spilling the beans in a detailed way that gives away ones whole hand. Everyone on the credit BBs say keep it low key > let them violate. I plan to ask them for any and all written documents concerning the account and I will be specific> yes they do not have to provide them NOW but report it to the CRA and I ask teh CRA for FULL Validation they have to get every document associated with this. The CA mentioned the check and that part of the bill was paid off yet they did not look into it. Its there problem if they don't because of their reporting IN ERROR, or falsely damages me then they have a major problem. However I do think the above is excellent! Any one else want to comment???? SKI
Unfortunately, there is not enough wrong with a CA attempting to collect on the wrong amount. Even reporting erroneously is not actionable until you dispute via CRA. There is, however, plenty wrong with an unlicensed contractor attempting to bill for work not done. That is why those license laws exist, to maintain minimum standards of competence and performance. You want their actions to be wrong on their face, but until you call their bluff, they get to do whatever you let them. Look at how it might eventually have to play out in court. You appear strongest when your claims are direct, up front, honest, documented, timely, etc., and you can show they were aware and their actions were blatant and willfull. Separate from issues of law, a judge looks at a case, where both parties say different things, and has to decide who is telling the truth. You document your case, you show you notified the parties from the beginning, you file and document regulatory complaints where appropriate, and the FAX harassment, absence of contractor's license, incompleted job, cashed check on a settlement offer all give one consistent picture of what happened that also makes their claim not credible. The settlement offer and cashed check alone is enough to hang a decision on, wiping away all the other issues as irrelevant. You muddy the water, act too clever, and you make their claims more credible. If absense contracting license and substandard/uncompleted work is part of the basis for your dispute, make sure your complaint has been filed, in writing, or any court might ask why you are bringing it up now.
Ontract good point What about this as a response> Dear CA: In response to your letter dated MO/DAY/YEAR, I dispute your claim its entirety and request full and complete validation of this alleged debt pursuant to the FDCPA and the provisions of AAC Title 20, Article 15. The alleged debt is not owed. This is my second request for competent proof of your claim. I suspect you might have mistaken me for someone else. Send copies of all documents in your possession that you believe relate to me and this alleged debt as soon as possible so that we can resolve this situation without further delay. In addition, all communications with me are to be via regular mail only, to the address I have provided. Do not call me. Telephone calls to my home are inconvenient at all times. Calls to my workplace are prohibited by my employer. Sincerely, XXXXXXXXX (Type your name, do NOT hand sign it) Note: this is worded very precisely in order to draw upon AZ law. "AAC Title 20, Article 15" is the necessary reference. "... never provided any such services to me. The alleged debt is not owed" and "you might have mistaken me for someone else" - are dispute phrases directly based upon the statutes. You are also entitled, per AZ law, to see "copies of all documents in your possession that you believe relate to me and this alleged debt" -- AND THE CA IS SUPPOSED TO CEASE COLLECTION ACTIVITIES UNTIL PROVIDING THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION. From another BB member. SKI
You are still viewing it as a consumer debt collection issue resolvable by the CA sending you documents from the OC. He could make up and send you documents all day long and it would not prove it to your satisfaction, nor would it ever address the reasons why the debt in collection is not valid. The debt is not valid because of the reasons numbered above. Another vague "bill" from OC, which does not refute contractor's failure to complete the job, and does not refute your documentation of his acceptance of a settlement, also does not "validate" the debt. The claim that you have been misidentified is also boilerplate intended for other purposes. Since you are proveably the owner of the property where the work was done, why assert something that can be easily disproved, and shown to be frivolous?
About the CA and OC having my name wrong. IF they ever had a contract or an agreement with my name typed or spelled on the contract then they would be sure to get my name correct it would be right on all of the documentation they SHOULD have but DO NOT HAVE. I have heard from others here and on other BBs to not confirm anything to them they have to prove the claim and the person who owes the debt not the other wasy around. Mnay go so far as to NOT put their name on the DV letter they send they only refer to the account # and also do not sign but initial it If they have my name incorrect and send this to the CRA for reporting it is another way I can get it off my report easily. Just talked to a California Attorney he says only indentify yourself when you file the lawsuit if you go that way.
If at this point the OC, and CA, have enough of your name and address to send you bills and validation, they also have enough to put it on your credit report.
I have talked to 3 attorneys concerning this situation and they state that all the CA is required to do is get from the OC some kind and almost ANY kind of itemized bill and then the CA can call this validation and then put a derog on my Credit report. Now this is what 3 attorneys are telling me all supposedly specializing in consumer law? Here and on other BBs board validation has been discussed in detail and the consensus is validation MUST have at least and agreement or contract signed by both parties a complete account with dates payments and description and all in the original documents. But 2 attorneys said that once the debt IS reported to CRA then the consumers fed rights kick in and when the consumer asks for validation from the CRAs then they HAVE to provide EVERYTHING which they usually cannot because of time constraints. Any comments on this SKI
From what you have said, your case is not one to be resolved by providing or not providing "documents". You have a bill, the CA has a bill, the problem is that it includes charges for work not done, that a non-licensed contractor could not legally bid on or accept, and that you also claim to have reached a settlement. None of those are issues to be resolved by a dispute process thru a CRA. They would only confirm that any TL on a CR is as directed by the CA. It is not even clear that litigation with the CA alone over a fraudulent bill produced by the OC would result in anything other than the CA removing any associated CR entry. Disputing thru a CRA does not result in any documents from the OC or CA being sent thru the CRA to you. Indeed, even if that happened, what other documents would there be other than the bill the CA already sent? All they would check, if even that, is that you are the right you, and the bill is from the OC to you. The usual consumer debt disputes are for old charged off revolving accounts, where determining the amount owed may require accounting for all charges and payments, and verifying that the interest and fees are consistent with the original contract or later amendments. Even then, the original signed contract may not be needed to establish that there is an agreement, since each signed charge slip, and each statement with a payment shows that both parties considered a contract to be in force. Since this is for work on rental property, some of the consumer protections, which apply to consumer debt, may not even apply. You have a dispute over a single job. The likely documents might include an original bid or estimate (which would support what was originally agreed to, as well as what the contractor represented he was competent and legally licensed to perform), a final bill (representing what the contractor claimed had been done and what he claimed was owed), any payment checks, possibly bills for materials to substantiate that expenditures for supplies were made on the job, your settlement offer and cashed payment check (to support your claim that the debt is settled, and on what terms), etc. You can also support that claimed work has not been done as of a certain date, in the manner common to construction where such issues often come up requiring a contractor to be kicked off the job for failing to perform in a timely manner, by taking a polaroid picture of someone holding today's newspaper standing in front of the site, and saving the visible front page to establish the state of completion on that date. To reach a final resolution, you need to go after the OC. Possible dispute issues include billing fraud, breach of contract, work not to code or substandard, unlicensed contracting, deception and other unfair trade practices, and even harassment (the FAXes) (provided you don't harass back). For the amount of money involved, the next question is how to do this in an economical manner, or get compensated if they drag it out.
Ontract that is the best point yet. If I state tgo the CA hey this guy has done all of this they will not care they will just REPORT The only chance I have is that the CA is unlicensed and also not bonded in AZ and needs to be. Also the CA violated California consumer law when they sent out thier second letter and did not state certain consumer rights under California consumer law. All 3 atrorneys stated that once the CA reports on my personnel credit I then I have all the consumer rights and can use that against the CRA. I think coming out strong against the CA is needed. SKI
You may want to go against the CA, but all that may accomplish is get it passed back to the OC, or on to another CA. You get a judgement against OC, with the debt declared invalid based on your settlement agreement, and any CA he passes it to gets caught for misrepresenting the legal status of the debt. How does lack of AZ license interfere with CA collecting on you in Cal?
Your settlement offer letter and his cashed payment check are NOT just you saying what he agreed to. It presumably shows his endorsement, and that the payment went into his account, and your reference to the settlement terms in your letter, on the check. That undermines their claim the debt can be assumed valid based on OC's bill and "validation", and undermines their defense against FDCPA violations for misrepresenting the legal status of the debt. Furthermore, your settlement offer, and his signing of the payment/acceptance check, are closer to pinning down an agreement in writing with an indication that both parties agreed, than any sloppy estimate or bill produced by only one party whether earlier, or later. It shifts the burden of proof. It sets them up, in a manner where they know they are set up. "Yes, but, uh, the whole idea of the Doomsday Machine is lost... if you keep it a secret! " - Dr. Strangelove.
Very good point Ontract So do you think I shold send the CA my check that was cashed and certified letter to OC saying you cash this check and you are paid in FULL. DO you think that would put a crimp in their collection? I called no less than 3 CAs and they said IF they were given that check with OCs other documentation they would not pursue it PERIOD SO should I present the check and this certified letter to the CA Could they just dismiss and say not legal forget it!!!! SKI
They CAN choose to do anything. But what is it worth it to them? This isn't a major account, and they have other business to pursue. If the debt isn't legal, or is likely to be not legal, there is nothing but downside risk in it for them. They would not pursue it, and they would not want their TL on your CR to allow you to pursue them. I think your other CAs give you the likely perspective of this one. There are situations where if you send a settlement offer, along with a check, and the creditor cashes it, the settlement is not binding. The details apparently depend on state law, and are typically when you send such an offer and check to, say, a creditor's payment processing center, which in fact may even be a third party. You can see how the creditor would claim that no binding contract was created by an offer to some clerk clearly not authorized to bind the creditor. Clerks process payments, and are not owners or legal departments. Some state laws provide for designating a specific address, separate from the normal payment address, to which such offers must be sent for them to be binding if the check is cashed. You can see the reasoning, when you consider what makes a contract. If in this case, the offer was sent directly to the contractor, he personally saw it, signed the check and cashed it, it would be hard to argue a contract was not formed. I would outline the full situation as numbered above, including the fact that the job was not completed, the contractor was not licensed when required by AZ law, and whatever else applies, and include a copy of the settlement offer, and a copy of the cashed check. I would conclude in my letter that because of the settlement agreement between you and the contractor, no debt is outstanding, and their continued collection is illegal under FDCPA. Send it CRRR, and assume it will get back to the contractor. In fact, send a copy to the contractor, CRRR. Do not put in your letter anything that you would have a problem supporting in court. You draw your line in the sand, and if the other side crosses it, you have to act. They should not be surprised, since the line was evident. If you avoid drawing such a line, they are free to snipe forever. It is when the line is vague, that one party is likely to go too far, leading to expensive legal exercises that might have been avoided. Just ask Saddam. The CA will likely want no part of this. The contractor now has a choice of whether to drop it, or sue, knowing what he will be dealing with, since you would likely have counterclaims should he ignore the benefit to him of acknowledging your settlement agreement. You have acted in good faith, he has not. You then made a settlement offer, in good faith, to extricate him from the job, he accepted it, took your payment, and then failed to honor it. You have not muddied your position should you later need to go to court. Add a dated picture showing the job was not finished, with his lack of license and a complaint filed, and you have a black and white picture.
If you draw your line clearly, his legitimate choices are to sue or move on. It is clear to him that sending the "debt" to another CA will likely result in it being bounced back, and that selling the "debt" would make an unhappy buyer. Other actions, whether sending obscene faxes, or sending the debt to other CAs, do not refute your claimed settlement, and instead appear to be harassment. If he is nuts, and chooses harassment, vandalism, or whatever, that is a criminal matter. No claimed debt is a defense.
Hello Ontract Thanks for the info. I have gone with a letter similar to the one that you wrote Thanks However here is the one problem that maybe you have some thoughts on The CA is unlicensed and unbonded and their corporate charter is re-voked In other word I do not TRUST THEM Sending the check that the OC cashed and therefor accepted my agreement as paid in full has all of my financial info on it. The OC HAS NOT sent this check to the CA or at least do the CA SAYS > Should I cross out the bank number? my signature/ my full name? from the check. I am very concerned sending a check to this ILLEGAL CA. I am sending my certified settlement letter sent to the OC ie to the OC but that does not have any financial info on it. SKI