we have a collection from a collection agency on our credit report. its from an apartment in GA we last lived in beginning of 2001. Our credit report has: Date reported 9/2004 date assigned 2/2004 date of 1st deliquency 5/2003 original amount owed 2530 balance owed 2774 today(1/15) we get the standard letter in the mail stating its in collection and we can dispute in writing within 30 days and the amount owed on the letter is ~2850. Couple things, we believe this is from a cancelled check(one we cancelled) from ~4/2001 of an amount of 1240. that was the second to lsat month of our lease. we moved out on the last month. Also, we do not live in GA anymore. Whats up with that? what kind of letter do we write to the CA as a response? Thanks for any help!