CA dispute response!! What do I do?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by matt30, Feb 10, 2003.

  1. matt30

    matt30 Well-Known Member

    I disputed a collection for $23.85. The CA was Retrieval Masters. They signed green card on 1/31/03. Today I got a bill from them stating...
    Since you failed to respond to our initial notice, the above account has been classified as a valid and undisputed debt. Consequentley we now intend to use all the means at our disposal to collect the amount due. YOUR DEADLINE FOR PAYMENT IN FULL IS 03/07/03.
    What steps should I take next. My wife says pay the $23.85, but I do not owe anyone anything. I have never even heard of the OC. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  2. pibb26

    pibb26 Well-Known Member

    Who signed the green card the CA or the CRA? If it was the CA I would probably send the estoppel...just my thought...start a paper trail and document the violations that they will make.
  3. matt30

    matt30 Well-Known Member

    The CA signed the card. It has not reached CRA yet. I have no idea how they came up with how I owe them any money. Thanks for the help.
  4. helpwanted

    helpwanted Well-Known Member

    Please post the ENTIRE wording of the letter.

    What green card are you referring to? What company signed for it? And what letter did you send to them?

    If you sent them validation, they are in big trouble...
  5. matt30

    matt30 Well-Known Member

    I sent a validation letter CRRR and they signed on 1/31/03. I recieved the CRRR card back. (the green card) a couple of days later. Sorry for the confusion about what I was trying to say. I recieved a bill today from them. Below is the actual wording of the bill.
    Retrieval Masters Creditors Bureau Inc.
    2269 S Saw Mill River Rd
    Bldg 3
    Elmsford NY 10523

    My address

    RE: Original Creditor
    Account #: XXXXXXX
    Amount Due: $23.85

    Dear Matt
    Since you have failed to respond to our initial notice, the above account has been classified as a valid and undisputed debt. Consequentley we now intend to use all the means at our disposal to collect the amount due.


    The easiest way to resolve this matter is to enclose $23.85 in the envelope we have provided. Upon receipt, we will update your file to reflect payment and will notify our client accordingly.

    This outstanding obligation will not be forgotten. Your prompt attention will clear this matter quickly and easily. Otherwise, you will be subject to further collection procedures.

    There is a stamped signature of Joseph Howard. On the back of the letter there is "This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose." This communication is from a debt collector. Then it gives License and NC state permit numbers.

    I have a copy of the validation letter I sent along with the CRRR green card dated and signed on 1/31/03. I just need to know where to go from here. Thanks for the help.
  6. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    They are breaking the law by violation the FDCPA.

    They are continuing colleciton activity before the debt was validated.

    I would send them a nice letter telling them to cease and desist and also photo copy the green card to show that they did receive your validation letter. I would also include a copy of that as well.

    I would also let them know that if any negative information was furnished to anyone then that information needs to be deleted immediately and confirmation of such is needed to be sent to you.

    Tell them if they fail to comply with your letter the n you wil have no other choice but to file suit in your jurisdiction for violating the FDCPA.

    That should work!!

  7. matt30

    matt30 Well-Known Member

    THANKYOU!! I new I had them on some violation, but did not know what. I am a newbie. This board is so awesome!!!
  8. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Save the letter and the envelope it came in. When was it postmarked, or is there a date on the letter? If the date is after the 31st of Jan. then they are continuing collection activity which is a big no-no. If it's dated before, you don't have as much ammo, but don't fret. Send the estoppel regardless.

    Save everything you get from them. Is it on your report?
  9. matt30

    matt30 Well-Known Member

    Ooops I threw away the envelope, but I have the letter that is dated 02/04/03. Thanks for the help.
  10. sunshine71

    sunshine71 Well-Known Member

    I would send a second validation letter now, giving them 15 days to respond- Even though 30 is considered better.
    Try to stay calm through out this. If they do not respond to your validation requests- file a complaint w/ the Attorney Generals office- If you do this on-line- print the original complaint.

    The third letter that you send to them "intent to sue in 30 days" If thia is not on your CR yet- it will be soon. Check to see if they list this as "in dispute" if they do not- thats a violation. Keep a paper trail....

    I just received my settlement check from a CA for $500.00 and the account was deleted from my CR. (They also had to pay my attorney's fees) We never went to court.
  11. boywonder

    boywonder Well-Known Member

    You are in the enviable position of having this CA by the throat. Hypothetically, you could apply for credit or employment and be turned down during this process (preferably after 30 days has passed and they did not validate). You would then have actual damages (in addition to any statutory damages). If this account truly is not yours, they would have absolutely NO DEFENSE in court.
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I would send a second validation
    NO: Send the 15 day estoppelll instead.The END ************************* LB 59
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    As for the CA account, again you can dispute this with the CRAs as "not mine" and see what happens. If it comes back as verified, perhaps try a validation request.
    Send the Val.L. before this. That way if it comes back verified you have the Ca on a $1K violation.

    The END ************************* LB 59
  14. kathycmh

    kathycmh Well-Known Member

    Did you ask for validation without specifically disputing the debt?
  15. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    OMG that is just toooo cute. :)


    (I love this board)

    EDIT: "I just received my settlement check from a CA for $500.00 and the account was deleted from my CR. (They also had to pay my attorney's fees) We never went to court."

    Oh that is excellent Sunshine. Very nice victory for you.


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