My girlfriend has a collection from a doctors office on her CR. She called the insuarance and they told her that she owed the doctor$225 but the doctors office told her she owed $350...anyway she offered to pay if they completly removed it off her CR but they said they couldn't do that. Sounds like a bunch of crap to me...they pu it on surely they can take it off... Any advice on what to do
You are correct. They can take it off. Paying does NOT help her credit because a paid collection is no better than an unpaid collection, and by updating the DOLA it could remain on her report longer and appear newer. I suggest you search the board for "settlement for deletion" or similar terms to get some letters and opinions. I can point you to this one in the FAQ. Stick to your guns and demand they delete for payment...remember, while you still owe them, you hold all the cards, once you pay, you have no cards to hold. Also you could simply dispute the listing to see if it gets deleted...then she is golden. -Peace, Dave
And get it in writing! I have one bunch of jokers that updated to "paid collection" despite a written agreement to delete the line entirely. I'm on my 2nd will be a copy of the court filing for breach of contract, or whatever else I can apply. Do NOT trust anything they tell you. Insist that all agreements are in writing. Radi8
That reminded me! When we were in court against the CA, the CA kept saying "it seems they were willing to settle for deletion, but we JUST CAN"T DO IT". I then showed them the reports where it said "deleted"..... ahhh that felt good...... Officially done hijacking the thread! BTW is it the CA you called or the doctors office? If it's the CA I would send a letter to the CA, and at the bottom CC: it to the doctors office saying you've contacted the insurance company, misunderstanding yadda yadda, you'll pay $xx only if this item is deleted. Also add by paying you aren't saying it's yours, you just don't want to deal with this forever, in case they decline the offer.