Hey everyone. First post here. I've been reading this board for a couple months now and it's been a plethora of info. I had a collection account on my credit report and at first it was just on my TU. I wrote them saying I have no idea what it was for, and it looks like that sparked their attention because now it shows on all 3 reports. When I wrote them, I told them to validate this with proof that it's mine. I also said that if they prove it is mine, I will pay the debt IF they remove this from my reports. Today, I get a bill (it's actually only $100) for an ER visit by my son who resides with my ex. No problem paying as it looks like my ex decided to put my name as the contact and never told me. However, the CA said that if I choose to pay, that the reports will be changed to say "paid in full", BUT it will not be removed. Any suggestions on how to handle this? I don't want or need some bs collection on my reports that I had no knowledge of the bill in the first place.
You have all the leverage because you have not paid. If you truly want to pay the debt, I would first try to deal with the original creditor. You had no adequate notice and technically do not owe this bill (it is not yours). I would demand the creditor accept the payment and call off the CA they sold the debt to. As soon as the bill is paid to the original creditor and you have the proof I would inform the CA they are in error, the bill is paid and they better remove all deragotory marks on your report or you will sue sue sudio. If you still want to deal with the CA, I would write them a letter agreeing to settle the account by paying in full for deletion of all information they posted relating to this account. Describe the situation that you had no contact and no idea of the bill since your ex was the one who put your info on the charge. I would accept nothing less than full deletion. The damage to your report is already done and a paid collection is nearly as bad as an unpaid collection. After all, they have NO adequate proof that you owe this bill. So if you want to play hardball tell them that if they do not comply with your settlement offer, you will sue for FCRA and FDCPA violations...they are damaging your credit for a bill that is not yours. -Peace, Dave
Thanks Nave. You're absolutely right and I'm in the process now of writing a pretty beefy letter to the CA. If no luck there, I'll contact the original creditor. One issue is that this just showed up on my reports and the bill was dated back in '98. Because my wife used my name, social but with her address, I never received it. I've got some pretty hardcore lawyers here in California, so I'm sure if need be, they can handle lighting some fire up where the sun doesn't shine.