Hello. I have a collection on my credit report from a Pierce, Hamilton & Stern. Apparently it's related to an apartment complex we moved out of. They charged us for something crazy which I can't recall exactly what it was. Anyway, the apartments nor the CA ever notified us of a collection attempt in writing. As I'm attempting to refinance my house at the end of the year, I need to know what the best approach is to disputing the collection. Who should I start with? The CA? I've already tried the CRAs. Should I use the standard letter or is there something new and improved? I'm sorry if my requests are ignorant. I really haven't used any legitimate techniques from this board in three years so I'm rusty. Thanks in advance. Shawn.
Was your charge on moving out even legitimate? Many states require that landlords disclose in writing to the renter any charges or claims for damages or against the deposit within a certain number of days of moving out, or the charges are not legal and therefore not legally collectable. In addition, charges for "normal wear and tear" are generally not allowed. (They get depreciation and maintenance deductions for that.)
Whoa.. I had the samething happen to me! They charged me for moving out early.. $1000.00 Cancel Fee- $120.00 Cleaning & Painting $50.00 Trash Out of Apt (there was no trash) $60.55 Water and Sewer $65.00 Carpet Cleaning They want me for the total of that!!! Im not paying it...