CA response insufficient

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MikeHammer, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. MikeHammer

    MikeHammer New Member

    Hey, if anyone out there can help with this one I'd sure appreciate it. I'm dealing with a CA that likes to play dumb (guess that's a real surprise, huh):

    I have disputed the validity of this account and they have NEVER reported it in dispute status until today (11/1/05)

    I sent all correspondence return receipt certified mail

    1. I received a collection letter from them on 6/6/05

    2. I responded w/ a dispute 6/27/05 requesting validation: signature, contract, copy of ID, etc.

    3. The CA sent me a paper w/ my name and SSN on it (validation....yeah right) on 7/15

    4. I received another collection letter from the CA on 9/1/05 offering a sif

    5. On 9/12/05, I sent them a stronger request for validation similar to the one outlined here and again disputed the account.

    6. I didn't hear back from the CA so I followed up on 10/16/05 because they were still reporting negative stuff on my CBR w/ no "disputed status"

    7. I forwarded copies of all this to the FTC

    8. I received a letter today 11/1/05 from the CA stating that they had received my correspondence....duh.....and as a result of their investigation were placing the account in "dispute status" with the CRA.....period.

    Sue or not sue is the question....this crap is still damaging my credit and I don't even get their services!!!
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did you never have an account with the original creditor? What was the original debt for, and how would you refute their claim that it is your account?

    If it's not your account, clearly leaving it disputed indefinitely is not acceptable.
  3. MikeHammer

    MikeHammer New Member

    Thanks for the reply ontrack......This is allegedly from a phone company about 3 years ago when I was in college. I had 2 roommates and I never applied for phone service in my name nor signed any contracts at all. I get a bill from this CA demanding payment for 600...something dollars and I'm like to hell with that I know I've never used this company. I request validation from the CA that's trying to collect and they send me my SSN and name on a piece of paper. I write them back like that's unacceptable for validation with a more specific request similar to the validation letter found here. They didn't respond to the 2nd request until yesterday with a letter stating they were investigating and would finally place it in dispute status......about a 3 month time lapse. So basically they have admitted to ignoring the matter thus far. All the while they have been reporting this to the CRAs as a bad debt with no indication of a dispute. I have a feeling the only reason they did finally respond is because I wrote the FTC and notified the CA of my intent to sue. My guess is that the FTC may have contacted them about it because the last letter I received was much "friendlier." After the 2nd request, I sent them a final notice and the 7th of November will mark the end of the 20 day deadline I gave them to remove the derog that's not mine. To START the investigation at this point like they should have 3 months ago is a little late in my book. I'm just wondering if the FTC/court would support my position in this case before I invest in a lawsuit. I am open to suggestions.
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Did the CA actually provide any information on statements or letterhead from the original phone company, or provide the original phone number or account number, or was what they provided just their own printout?

    Have you checked with the original creditor, the phone company, to see whose name the account was actually in? Is there a distinction in the phone company records between the party responsible for the account, and other names to be listed in the phone book under that number? Is the CA collecting from you based on your phone book listing, not on account responsibility?

    The CA has implied that you opened this account, or that the account was opened in your name. You know you did not agree to open any account, and it would be pretty brazen for a roommate to open an account in your name while you were living in the house and likely to see incoming mail. That leaves 2 possibilities:

    1) One of your roommates opened the account in both their name, and possibly the names of the other housemates (phone accounts are often opened by phone, with no paper application, and the single SSN of the person opening the account would probably be enough to do it).

    2) If it is unlikely that the party opening the account had access to your SSN, and you didn't provide your SSN since you didn't open the account, then perhaps the CA added your SSN to support their attempt to collect from you.

    Although the CA provided you with your name and SSN, implying that you had opened the account and that the SSN came from the person opening the account, they might also have simply checked databases to see who lived at that address, and just billed any names that came up, particularly if the person actually on the account was not findable. With a phone account at an address often rented to college students, it might not even be from the period when you were there.

    The whole thing appears suspicious. Is it misuse (identify theft) of your identifying information by the party opening the account? Or is it misuse (identity theft) by the CA to attempt to fraudulently collect on the account from you?

    If the phone company says your name isn't on the account, it points to the latter.

    When was the last payment made on the account, and how much are they attempting to collect?
  5. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    The original creditor would normally obtain the SSN of the party opening the account, in order to pull a credit report, and would have a legitimate right to have that information in their records.

    In sending you a piece of paper with your name and SSN on it in response to your request for validation, the CA has represented that this information was obtained from the OC, and part of the OC's records for the account.

    A CA who has not obtained the name and SSN from the original creditor, might run afoul of criminal penalties for illegal possession and use of identity information present in many states' laws if they later obtained and used SSN information to deceptively coerce payment from a party not on the account.

    This appears similar to the sort of deceptive FDCPA violations that CAMCO engaged in to collect from consumers not responsible for debts, before they were shut down.
  6. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Is this an account that the CA bought and is collecting on itself, or is it still owned by the phone company, and just assigned to the CA?
  7. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    By the way, there have been "CA"s attempting to collect on old alleged debts, based solely on a phone number lookup to the present holder of that phone number.
  8. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    At this point they have not sent you acceptable validation. Leaving the TL in dispute indefinitely is not acceptable. You want to force them to remove the TL by disputing thru the CRA, or if they still verify the TL to the CRA, when they have not obtained and sent you validation, whether they mark the account in dispute or not, you want to be able to hang them on these FDCPA and FCRA violations.

    Did you dispute this account with the CRA(s) following their receipt of your request for validation, your redsputing of their "validation", and their receiving your dispute via your complaint to FTC?

    It is this continued collection, combined with willfull erroneous reporting, with no adequate validation sent to you, that you use to get them to settle for real or statutory damages.
  9. MikeHammer

    MikeHammer New Member

    Thanks again for the great feedback on my question Ontrack......I know very little about this account to say the least. I do know I never signed up for it. I did have a problem with one of my old roommates where they moved early and I had to get the money so I wouldn't get a bad mark on my rental history. I don't know if the character traits relate to this current would be complete speculation on my part to assume so although I wouldn't be surprised if he was the culprit. Anyway, I don't know what the original creditor reported or gave to the CA because both have been very uncooperative. I just placed the account under dispute with Experian (I'm kind of new to this process), but I will also file one with TU and Equifax based on your advice. Yeah, the thing is the OC refers me to the CA and the CA hasn't said jack except how much can you pay or lets make a deal. When I notified them of the dispute, they just ignored it and when I got more serious with the letter to the FTC, they got really quiet. I started getting the dispute treatment so I contacted them through certified mail instead so I wouldn't be spinning my wheels with no progress and no record of their noncompliance. Its been several months and they finally said they would report the dispute to the CRAs which does nothing for me. The 45 day period for the Experian online dispute is almost up so if the CA tries to verify maybe I should sue at that point. Then I could get the CA AND Experian. Is that what you would recommend? I am PISSED.
  10. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If, as you say, you know you did not open the account, then it is in your interest to push the issue, to AG complaints, police reports, and to court if necessary. Otherwise, it will just hop from JDB to JDB, with the negative TL staying on your reports, or one of them will sue. Either way, you will be financially damaged on an on-going basis, and may need to deal with it in court, or pay a debt you don't owe if, say, you are trying to get a mortgage.

    If the CA owns the account, the CA got quiet since they know that phone accounts are often opened fraudulently, and they have to decide if it is worth it going to court and possibly having the debt found to be fraudulent, or quietly just selling it to another CA, while pretending they don't know anything is wrong with it.

    If they are ethical, they will stop collection until they obtain what they claim is validation of the debt, which you could then use to show it is fraudulent, or not opened by you. But if they were ethical, and legal, they would have removed the TL while requesting validation from the OC to send you, and they have instead marked the TL in dispute. That is a hint at their likely compliance with other aspects of law.

    At this point, they could claim it is just "disputed", and sell it in what CAs consider "good faith", but if you send a police report, claiming identity theft, it likely becomes worthless, and under FACTA they are supposed to remove the TL, and not sell the account. It becomes waste paper.

    You are starting to get the game being played. FTC complaints and police id theft reports are things they don't want, and they may attempt to deflect or maintain that they never received verbal, or even written disputes.

    They will also claim you can't do, or have to do, various things, or that they have no obligation to do various things that the law clearly requires. If there is any excuse for ignoring your dispute, or your claim of fraud, they will use it. No doesn't mean no unless there is a consequence. Right or wrong, the law doesn't make anyone follow it, and you as the consumer will have to learn out how to force the issue.

    Their goal is to make it appear "easier" to pay, even on debts you don't owe. Money collected from the debtor, and money collected from the wrong party, are the same at the end of the day.
  11. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind, however, if this account was opened fraudulently, and it went to court, what you would want to seek under discovery would be the records of payments made. Whether made by credit card, or by check, they would show someone else was paying the account, if it was paid at all.

    At this point, you don't even know if it was really opened in your name, or if they are trying to collect from you based on records of your address. What did the OC say about whether they showed your name on an account, or an account opened under your SSN? Even if they sold it, they would keep track of who stiffed them.
  12. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If this account was in fact opened by someone using your name and SSN, they could similarly open other accounts in your name. Do any unexpected accounts, inquiries, or identifying information such as erroneous DOB, address, or employer information show up on any of your reports, indicating additional fraudulent information?

    You might also ask the phone company what information they ask for from people opening accounts. They may have SSN, but do they ask for DOB, mother's maiden name? CA gave no indication they had this. Was this because OC didn't collect it, or because what they have did not match your actual identification information?

    (Obviously, don't provide them any such information they don't have. You would reserve that for court.)
  13. MikeHammer

    MikeHammer New Member

    Thanks again ontrack.....your replies are very much appreciated. I did place a fraud alert on my CBR last year due to some questionable activity in which I supposedly had a judgement and an address in Alabama as well. I have never lived east of the Mississipi. Well as you know judgement records are kept in the courthouse so I went there and got that cleared up with no problem. The problem with this TL is that nobody wants to give me any info except my SSN and my name. There is no itemized bill so I can't trace the numbers, no bill period, no contract and no nothing except let's make a deal. I've done some reading since I first posted and it looks like under the FACT Act Amendment to the FCRA I can sue the furnisher (CA) and the OC directly for neglegence and willful misconduct. Since harm has already been done to my reputation, I think if I do the investigation/ reinvestigation with the CRAs as well I can up the ante if I sue. I am frustrated but that's when I seem to be most motivated to kick some a**. Bottom line.......there is no way the CRA/CA/OC is going to verify this account as mine cause it's not. They are breaking the law every time they ignore me and don't verify my demands for validation I would suppose. Just gathering enough bullets for full auto before I pull the trigger now. Thanks again Ontrack.
  14. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Their refusal to provide any other information, while wanting to "make a deal" hints that they know there is something wrong with this account.

    At this point, they have received your second request for validation, and confirmed their receipt to you. Dispute thru all CRAs that show their tradeline. If they verify, you then have the basis for an FDCPA suit for continued collection without validation. Also, be sure to keep copies of these CRs showing their tradelines, if later you need to document and prove damages.

    You should also file a police report for identity theft. You know you did not open this account, and they have identified you as the "debtor" based on your name and SSN. That indicates identity theft, the unauthorized misuse of your identity information by others, regardless of whether you know who did it.

    If you are claiming identity theft, they don't have to cooperate until you present a copy of the police report. Even with it, they may not be cooperative, but you will then file complaints with state AG, local DA, and/or FTC.

    When presented with your claim of identity theft, along with a copy of the police report, under FACTA, the CRAs are required to block and remove false information resulting from identity theft, and the CAs are prohibited from reporting or selling such accounts. They are also supposed to cooperate with your investigation by providing information in their records on the account that might assist you in preventing further id theft. It's the DA's job to catch or prosecute the perpetrators, not yours.

    Was this a phone landline, or a cell phone account? How long ago did it go delinquent? Where was it allegedly opened? How much are they attempting to collect?

    What was the other information you saw on your reports that led to placing a fraud alert?

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