I have a small collection listing from 96. I sent request for validation in Aug and received no response. Sent estoppel in Sep and received no response. I just found out today that the CA sent copies of statements (that's it, no signatures) in response to my second letter to MY FATHER. This is despite the fact that the account and the letters I sent were all in my name and address. Even more interesting, my father passed away in 1990. I have no idea how they got his name. I found out about this because my mother finally opened the letter. It just had a P. O. Box return address. I have the envelope and contents now. It seems like this is an FDCPA violation of contacting 3rd parties. How would the experts proceed from here? I thought I might send them a copy of the envelope with a letter demanding removal because they violated FDCPA. Greg
I'll be glad to help you out with this in private email, but I won't put it out on the board because many of the lurkers here are collection agency lurkers and we don't need them getting any info they don't already have. Just send me an email with your problem and I'll be glad to help you