CA sent CERTIFIED mail - Do I sign?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by blackie, Apr 9, 2005.

  1. blackie

    blackie Well-Known Member

    I have been through all the steps to counter the CA (all certified return receipt).

    Intent to Sue

    CA has racked up about 15 violations. Calling 10 times during validation.

    Not validating (printout, no signature, ss#, not even my correct last name).

    Two more letters in response to Estoppel (frivolous, he says. Another violation).

    Calls have stopped since Estoppel (one of the letters I received, it seemed to occur to him - oops - I forgot to stop calling). When I sent Estoppel, it got his attention. When I sent Intent to Sue last week, I think he probably shit himself.

    So now, in response to my intent to sue letter, I have a certified letter waiting for me. Should I sign for it? Advice is greatly appreciated.

    Just as a side note, this has never hit my credit report because Original Creditor doesn't have my ss# or even my correct last name.
  2. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    i think it would depend on how comfortable you are with your case.

    i personally wouldn't.
  3. chipper

    chipper Well-Known Member

    out of curiosity, why would someone not want to sign a certified letter?
  4. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    maybe CA got proof and is suing YOU.
  5. chipper

    chipper Well-Known Member

    With all the letter writing and time put into this, why run now? I think I would pick up the letter, unless someone could tell me why not.
  6. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    i never sign for anything unless i am expecting something.

    OC/CA that are smart send two of the same thing - one certified, one regular.

    that is why i asked how comfortable the OP was with their case. the OP sent ITS - this could be from their attorney. it the OP is confident they will win in court then pick it up. if you have violations but not so confident - maybe not.
  7. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    I have been sending them certified mail...why can't you receive it?
    If you are afraid they are sueing you, why would picking up the letter matter? They already know how to get in touch with you and many jurisdictions provide for "alternate service" of a summons
    Maybe they are offering you a settlement, and want to make sure the right person receives it
  8. jenz123

    jenz123 Well-Known Member

    to each their own, i s'pose...

    did you pick it up yet?

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